'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Unknown said:
    I wish I could help scylla but I'm rubbish at ID-ing mice. I'll ask the cat.


    I think this shows that they are Wood Mice :)

    Forgot to post this yesterday, it should have come before the "Mouse with clutter..." and I think they're both the same critter - a vole ???

    Am about to check the last 6 hours.

  • scylla said:
    Am about to check the last 6 hours.

    A few times a mouse would dive right down the side - here's a tail demo (ruind snap but overwrote original so can't repair):

    There is so much activity, albeit rather repetitive, that you shouldn't have to wait long to see some :)

    (Video greatly lightened to enable right side to be viewed.)

  • scylla said:
    I think they're both the same critter - a vole

    Agreed. I also agree one mouse in the next video is trying to cover up the cache of food. Nice how both mice use the same 'eating post'.

    The stump interior looks like a scene from a Beatrix Potter book

  • Unknown said:
    The stump interior looks like a scene from a Beatrix Potter book

    That's exactly what I have been quietly muttering to myself!

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • I haven't seen any squabbles whatsoever; and I've heard no squeaks, no vocals of any description - disappointing, seein' as we seem to have a good mike, which may have started grumbling lately.

    No mice seen for hours, so a vole has had the freedom of the stump:

    No further activity for a couple of hours until the vole turned up some minutes ago.  Am hoping to work out a timetable eventually.

    Poor vole looks like one of the blind mice!  It's hard to get clear snaps, the right side is dark and they fuzz when they come close and they're too fast, too!

  • I do hope that CATLADY, particularly, is not allergic to mice - hope you're OK! :-*
  • I am here Scylla, and no, not allergic to mice. Really enjoying the new thread and the mice etc in their new home.
    Hubby and me both been a bit under the weather with a horrid cold, getting better slowly, surely it will all be gone by Christmas! Been lurking this last wee while not posting.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:
    Hubby and me both been a bit under the weather with a horrid cold

    That must be the one I had, it was a baddie and took a while to get over - but I'm sure yours will be gone for Christmas :)


    The first mouse appeared at about 18:00, two hours after the vole paid its last visit.

    First mouse:

    Then at least an hour until the next one, but I got the impression it might have frozen :-/ Visits were very infrequent up to 21:25, when the 6-hour limit was reached.

    During the next stint a single mouse was in and out concentrating on scrabbling about right under the cam at our end - one time it brought out a curly licheny bark shaving:

    That's up to about 03:30.

  • Oh! I've got no activity for the last 4h30m.