'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Daisy Duck seems to have to endure all matter of annoyances...
    Wonderful news about the eagle cam!

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • 13 October

    Boreal Ontario

    The first Redpoll I've noticed this season Laughing

    Daisy Pacific Black Duck on 14 December

    Pre-dawn, Boobook Owls in Daisy's absence, no harm done (probably).  later Noisy Miner (I haven't seen them being an aggressive nuisance like the Magpies and Currawongs).  On the Twitch cam I could see the Possums busying themselves in/on/around the nest and tree but I haven't shown them.

  • 14 December

    Boreal Ontario

    Female Pine Grosbeak

    Daisy Duck's nest

    16 December

    Brushtail Possums' tails are not prehensile; Ringtail Possums' are, but when not carrying anything or holding onto branches, the tail is curled up, hence the name. The Possums I've been seeing here have straight, unbrushy tails.  Daisy wasn't perturbed, apparently.

    During Daisy's break one of the eagles came to fend off a Currawong (I think, but I can't remember the differences between Magpie and Currawong and can't find good audio recordings):

    Dang Windows Update pending, off I go to shut down all my precious downloads Angry 

  • scylla said:
    During Daisy's break one of the eagles came to fend off a Currawong

    She's clearly got great friends!

  • .

    scylla said:
    That must have been quite an operation, moving a whole eagle nest to a new perch

    Ah well, they didn't, by the look of it - this was the first view I got a couple of days ago:

    Better now:

    I shan't add it to downloads yet, maybe someone could post here if they see the eagles turn up Blush

  • A great video digest of the 2020/21 breeding season in NZ for the Northern Royal Albatross

    Tiaki has been in South America for the last few weeks.

    The new season is underway

    Thank you Cornell and DOC

  • I really enjoy your daisy duck videos Scylla, Thank you for all your efforts. Rescue station excellent also. Female GP, such a lovely bird.
  • (Australians assure me that the Possums on Daisy's nest are Ringtails, despite their non-curly tails.)

    Bejewelled Daisy:

    It got very wet 'n windy in Ontario, the ornaments and feeders had to be taken to safety:

    That suited the Ruffed Grouse fine, it only ground-feeds anyway:

    Tammie Haché came out in the nasty evening weather to improve seed availability for the Flying Squirrels - but they didn't come back to take advantage Disappointed

    Now I've got to shut everything down again for another Windows Update - wot with Intel doing it too, that'll be 3 shutdowns in 2 days Angry

  • Boreal Ontario

    The Gray Jay couple paid a rare (lately) visit:

    Couldn't help a little Daisy vid.  I haven't seen any bother up to now, just routine visits from Possums and Lorikeets.

  • Really delightful videos yesterday and today.. Thank you so much Scylla. I am sending Zilpha, Daisy Duck most definitely