OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.
Christmas is coming to Ontario
scylla said:
Love it scylla!
Flying Squirrel with Christmas lighting but it stayed mostly shaded:
Next morning, the lights were moved from the central pole to the shrub on the right (where they were last year, they were probably deemed too glary on the pole) - this is a trick photo which took an unjustifiably long time to do, but you know how it is once you get started:
Shame, the colours of the lights don't show up in their new position, they're all white.
Female Pine Grosbeak:
Hairy Woodpecker - looked like he had a shock on his way in:
scylla said:Wubwy wubwy Gway Jays (I don't know what came over me)
This is why I love you so much, Scylla. xxx
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Unknown said:I love you so much
Sincerely reciprocated, as you know, CC
Boreal Ontario
Hairy Woodpecker again, male followed by female this time - he had a strong voice:
Manton Bay
The lone cormorant remains mostly alone - here, for nightime amusement, it pulled out a feather and played with it for some time, eventually setting it down carefully on the nest:
Lowes cam is down.
A propos of nothing, but if you see this on a miserable morning it may make you smile:
Boral Ontario
Blue Jay - it tries, but it doesn't have the speed of a Woodpecker:
Ohio Backyard
Cooper's Hawk ??? I'm puffed up, ripe to be deflated
Back to Boreal Ontario - where I've been ignoring the lovely Red Squirrel - the one without wings ;)
The female Pine Grosbeaks (with one male):
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