'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Boreal Ontario

    06 November

    The Chickadees are always the first in - greatly disappointed this morning:

    Refilling the seed tray @ 2x speed:

    Then the Evening Grosbeaks.

    Barnegat Light

    Wow !!!

    Several shades of sunset to choose from...

    Early morning view of the nest with the road where I used to watch dog-walkers and others using the "hard shoulder" both ways - but we haven't been focusing on it much this season - yet:

    I can't tell what this is:

  • Boreal Ontario

    Hairy Woodpecker?  (Very difficult to differentiiate from Downy):

    Apparently, if it were a Downy it would have black markings on the white outer tail feathers:

  • I know that dear SANDRA is keeping tabs, so here's a Monday-morning treat for her ears (and everyone's) - except it's a day late being posted Stuck out tongue winking eye 

    I hope you enjoyed the Great Tit's voice, which I managed to adjust without distortion - but it's a different story with this Jay, because the background noise couldn't be reduced without severely distorting the geese.  I hope nothing's gone wrong with the LotL microphone.

    Midges (I don't know what they are but they look quite big) came and went over and over again - didn't see any yesterday Thinking 

    Boreal Ontario

    Was this female Evening Grosbeak being brave or foolhardy, staying behind after everyone else skedaddled?

  • Lovely motley set of captures and videos. loved it. Thank you Scylla
  • Ohio

    I saw on rollback that Scott had heaped up the upstairs feeder tray with loads of seeds with in-shell peauts on top, then suddenly the pile was flat - so I had to see what happened: the Blue Jays happened Hugging

    A short excerpt:

  • 10 November

    Boreal Ontario

    BC Chickadee in first 99% of the time.  This one is nibbling from a seed 'tween its toes:

    The Evening Grosbeaks are dominant (last year saw Pine Grosbeaks too, not yet this year).

    3 of each gender:

    A male's feetz in flight:

    RB Nuthatch is a neglected regular:

    Handsome chap/ess:

    Still getting inexplicable stream dropouts on various cams.

  • Lovely captures again, Scylla, Thank you for persevering. Wonderful colours on glossy feathers on the corvid.
  • 10 November

    Boreal Ontario

    Evening - first Ruffed Grouse!

    One or two Flying Squirrels are in 'n out 2-3 times a night - last night 4 times! - and here's an action shot...

    On a mission Smiley

  • 12 November

    LotL, not Glaslyn Grin

    Boreal Ontario

    It's tried to snow a couple of nights already, managed to land a bit last night:

    Not a lot tho:

    No Evening Grosbeaks till the afternoon, and then only two!

  • What a beautiful LOTLs nest with the clear and brown raindrops and the green grass. Oh, golden whatnots, what a treat. And I bet what I call a coal tit is a chckadee. Thanks Scylla