'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Yes, Anne, Sapsucker Woods is out in the woodlands outside Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. It's near Dryden and has a lovely pond. However, I am also surprised to see the Pileated there! I suppose I might have summoned it!

    Pileated woodpeckers I have come across in my walks have been singularly unconcerned with me and I have been able to approach quite close to watch them. They have foraged for bugs near the base of dead trees. I've also seen them displaying for dominance, I think. Kind of comical creatures. Woody Woodpecker was based on them.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Ohio

    Not quite as quiet as some nights lately - several rabbits, no opossum tho, and two of these messy eaters turned up:

    Too clever for my own good, this is 2 pics joined but I can't do a decent frame so it's cropped:

    I strayed into West Texas, no birds present, so did a quick rollback and found, I think, a White-winged Dove - poor thing couldn't work out how to get to the food so gave up Cry

    ©CornellLab, Boreal, Ontario

    A few bars from a female Pine Grosbeak:

  • It's lovely, very sparrow like in a way - cheep cheeep :)
    Shame the lovely dove found nothing to eat. Thanks Scylla
  • Boreal Ontario

    The Flying Squirrel doesn't mind the Christmas lights:

    There was a single squirrel on the Sapsucker Woods feeder too.

  • I've just managed to get hold of Peter.
    They are changing servers during this close season and there should have been a 'holding page' put up to explain but this has not materialised.
    Clearly there have been issues as they've been off for some ten days but Peter hopes to get the site back up in a few days so, in essence, watch this space.
    Hope that helps.
  • I've got a power cut... just my flat and no one's coming out till morning. Bereft and desperate here, as you can imagine. See you when I see you (can't use phone much cos battery 25 percent) xxx
  • Oh dear Scylla, how desperate.for you. I had a broadband problem ... had internet access but no internet access !!!!! which forced me to grasp the nettle and install m y new WiFi hub i was sent in the post :(

    So hope it all goes smoothly for you tomorrow: that is , today ! now I think
  • Alan, MC and all. Peter was in good form when we spoke if somewhat fed up with the situation!!
  • Big problem here with a major fuse, new box must be ordered and my batteries are all fading - so no light on the horizon. I am only just hanging on to sanity - don't ask 'so what's new?' :(

  • I dare not click on ''like'' as it's a horrible situation for you Scylla - how long does it take to order a floppin 'box'. One would think they should be readily available back at 'base'  If not actually on the electricians van !!!  For cryin' out