'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Yes, very touching Albatross video posted by KORKY :-*

    I am still monitoring the Stump cam but there's been a downturn in activity since the manic period I last posted.  Vole seen more than mouse.

    Ohio today

    Northern Cardinals.

    Male chased off a female:

    The males are so striking:

    But the females have such a gorgeous mix of colours:

    This one is darker than average:

    Major works carried out - a ladder was also involved :o

    The Passenger Pigeon is not extinct! ;)

    I saw this Mourning Dove yesterday as well as today, it has a similar injury to the poor mite with the leaking crop, but not so severe - it wasn't possible to examine it from the front:

  • Ohio

    I keep getting an orange box "An error occurred, please contact webenquiries@etc.  I shall have to come back and arrange the snaps later.  


    The Carolina Wren is a daily visitor:

    Late afternoon the not-quite-so-badly injured Mourning Dove repeatedly browsed in all the food trays,upper and under, looking quite desperate:

    The Dove was gulping a lot, you're supposed to be able to see the difference in these two shots :-/

    All filled up and a new "seed ring" added:

  •  This tail:

    Belonged to this skunk:

    Another critter who got close to the lens, but with the front end rather than the back, was the bi-coloured cat:

    It may have caused consternation among the raccoons, who couldn't settle at the feeding tray and even ran across the screen... but they did get back to normal:

  • Great screen captures. Thanks Scylla!
  • Lovely snaps scylla. Sad to see the mourning dove though.
    Sorry I'm awol again and can't see any webcams
  • Thanks, Everyone, for all of the lovely captures. Both Cardinals are gorgeous.
    CC and Scylla, Sorry to hear that you are having troubles. Hope things settle down in a satisfactory manner for both of you.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I get these informative e-mails periodically and thought I'd share this one (I hope this is the correct forum for doing so).
  • Slightly different feeding regime @ 11.07 this morning ... wonder if the guy was giving a commentary to watchers?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Well done and thank you, WENDY. This stream can be downloaded but it would have to be done in a different way from my other downloads so I'm not going to be able to accommodate it, purely due to the time/attention it would require.

    Thank you for good wishes, GARDENBIRDER, I am still trying to digest our dear CC's last message :'(

    LISA - I think CATLADY has stipulated that "anything goes" here ;) so thank you very much for that link - more devastation and suffering :'(
  • I am healthy in body, but my dearest friend is not, as we discovered at Xmas, and I may lose her soon. I've also simultaneously lost my 10 yr relationship, and am devastated. My distraction from this is accompanying my friend on her medical appts locally and at a distance. We are each other's moms, and in that we are very fortunate.

    My friends here are a balm to me I cannot express. Seeing the birds and critters and comments refreshes me in ways nothing else can...strange!
    So bless you all, I am leaning on you, I'll be in and out as I can here!

    scylla said:
    Thank you for good wishes, GARDENBIRDER, I am still trying to digest our dear CC's last message :'(

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