WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy New Week all - our clocks go back tonight (at least here in California).

  • 1969!!!!!

    -- I just Googled it as I couldn't believe it, either!
  • We arrived home in time for a dinner of haggis pies which we bought on the way at the end of a cold and set journey - very warm in the car, but shivered when we got out. J was quite confused to be home, but he will be fine after a night in his own bed, and he said he slept comfortably in the hotel last night, after a bad night in the hospital. Poor OH has just done all the unpacking after all the driving, so I hope I shall sleep so he can get a good night too.

    J has a sick note for three weeks from work, and will also make an appt to see his GP to discuss his meds as the hospital pharmacist got him quite confused. We have worked out a regime by reading the in-pack info carefully, but really want to know we have got it right!

    I have read through all the news so far this week, but can't reply to everyone! Will just wish LYNETTE well for Friday! Will be thinking of you!
  • OG:  Hurray.  That's over and done with; hope J's  meds won't need too much adjustment.  Take care and rest.

  • OG – Oh good, you are home. I hope you all get a good night’s sleep. J should improve quickly in his own space.

    Quite chilly this morn, and windy. I am gradually retrieving the woollies that I washed & put away too soon. C-mas mince pies already in bakery. I was tempted to ask if they had any hot cross buns too.

    Nanny duty swapped to Friday this week when Dau will be shuttling Miss8 to & fro for her class disco. I presume the event is only late afternoon, however much ado about makeup, etc. This eccentric oldie wonders why children need to grow up so quickly. The twins will be very tired as they have an extra kindy day this week – on Friday. I’m prepared for tears.

  • Good to hear that OG and family are back at base again. Hope you all sleep well.
  • AQ  Eccentric oldie? I remember walking along the Champs Elysee in 1974 and hearing Boy George's Karma Chameleon emanating from a sidewalk cafe and fretting that our pop culture was taking over everything.  (I think that ties in with your comment about makeup at a much-too-young age, but I've had two glasses of a nice red and am free-associating.). I'm also looking at seasonal togs and pulling out long yoga pants, flannel shirts, etc.,,..

  • I suggested to Dau that I take a batch of sausage rolls for tea tomorrow to ease the chaos. Accepted. First tray out of oven – I’d better not be waylaid by computer and forget the rest. I misunderstood the reason for the makeup practice session – it is not for disco but for the end-of-year dance concert. Miss8 has tried ballet, jazz & hiphop this term on Saturdays. Dau has her doubts about the obligatory fire engine red lipstick being applied non-clown-like! As for the 4-5 pm disco, it is a Hawaian theme. Dau found the lei in dress-up box and it looks as if the cats have chewed it. Another trip to El Cheapo shop. Ah the joys of motherhood.
  • Good Morning. Drizzly & wet here again. OH has given up on golf, and is waiting for a break in the clouds to go out for Bonnie's walk.

    AQ -- I was glad I had boys, some of the time, when they were growing up. Good Luck to your daughter with three girls, who will all want to be wearing "the latest thing" whatever that is.
  • My OH enjoyed a mince pie, last night.....
  • Lindy - I see Christmas is getting closer. Your OH enjoyed his mince pie - I enjoyed some Stollen yesterday with a friend. I'm sure if they sold these things all the year round we wouldn't leap on them as soon as they appear in November! Like Hot Cross Buns - they are now in the shops all year round, but I refuse to buy them until Maundy Thursday. Why can I be so strong-willed about HCBs and not about Stollen????