Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 October 2019


The new moon (the dark moon) is Sunday. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Freezer came - only stipulated four hours settling time, so now cleaned and switched on. Not rushing to fill it since we shall be away next week! Phoned oven people - engineer who said he would commission a new PCB had not reported to his bosses, so still hasn't been ordered! In many ways, that is the more urgent job!

    Thought J would come home on time out of the way of halloween rubbish, but he isn't here yet - thankfully no sign of marauding kids either.
  • Glad the freezer arrived alright, OG. Maybe if the oven can be fixed you will be able to keep things cold and then also, hot!!

    Not had any tiny witches here yet...hope we don't get a sudden rush as I only bought a few small chocolate treats - not had any visitors of that kind for the last two years. We have an Event in the town where children go around the main shopping streets spotting pumpkins in the windows. Much better for them & their parents than knocking on doors.
  • We are finally going off to Wales tomorrow, after a lot of phone calls and emails yesterday & today. Trying not to get our blood pressure up over the endless delays we've had on a transaction.

    Had a hilarious message from our Eldest, with a pic of little Amber dressed up as some kind of skeletal princess for Halloween.
  • LINDA - Skeletons were quite popular last night here too, along with tutus and other makeshift dressups! Our police website has a sign we can print to place on door or letterbox saying t-or-ts welcome. So children only visit houses that expect them.

    Restless night, too hot. We are waiting for the cool change to arrive. I must go out as I need a new library book fix.

  • Sorry AQ, getting my seasons mixed up down under. Do hope that you don't suffer from them.

    OG - glad to hear J is managing to walk himself into work, also , hope your freezer arrives and is installed quickly for you. Supposed to be wet and windy here by tomorrow too.

    Will be glued to the tele on Sat morning - taping it so shall watch with OH .Can they do it!
  • We don't do Halloween either - don't think we had any kids around, if they tried to knock on the door we wouldn't hear them. Probably wouldn't think to press the bell in porch. Hurrah.

    Dau has arrived home safely after spending a 5 day holiday with a friend in Ibizia. Unfortunately, as its the end of the season quite a few places had closed up. Still, I think they enjoyed it. Expecting her home tomorrow pm, staying at friends overnight in Stevenage as they flew from Stanstead.

    Liindybird - enjoy your weekend away in Wales and hope the transaction is a success.
  • Good morning-
    Didn't feel chatty yesterday but as usual, read all your news, thank you.
    LYNETTE - That is good news, getting another appointment so quickly. I hope all goes well this time.
    LINDY - safe journey to Wales today, I hope that the weather is kind to you.
    OG - you are obviously missing your oven but I'm happy that you have your replacement freezer. I'm not very knowledgeable about new for old insurance policies as my OH refused to pay for any insurances except the minimum house etc. I've followed on, although in the past I used to have cover for all sorts of things.

    I had one little witch visit me last night! I don't put out welcoming signs or put the porch light on but this brave wee soul left her Mummy's side and walked up my driveway. The security lights came on automatically and she must have thought that I'd put them on myself, to welcome her because she didn't ring the doorbell ( probably couldn't reach it) I had heard her voice so went to the door and there she was, with a beaming smile and a little bucket. I opted for 'treat' and cracked open the box of sweets that I'd bought 'just in case'. Her smile and ' thank you' was nice to see.
  • We do Halloween. I have a witch's hat and hang a fabric pumpkin face outside the front door,. It was quieter this year than last with little ones all dressed up and coming early with young parents hanging back. So sweet. No teenagers this year at all. I"m not a big candy eater but will hang on to the Peanut M&Ms and the Kit Kats. :-) There's a new fire in Ventura county, about 50 miles south of here. The smoke is hanging over the ocean this morning and there's that unmistakable smell in the air.

  • Annette: I'm sorry about the new fire. I hope you have a full inhaler and that weather conditions will improve today and become less dangerous.

  • Sorry there look to be more fires, Annette. Terrible for those affected.

    We arrived OK this afternoon after a dry journey, but its been pouring down since we decanted our luggage and settled in. Had a hot drink then went out again, to deliver a parcel (birthday present) to a relative staying not far along the coast.

    Now back & preparing to throw something in the oven, and relax with a glass of wine for the evening. Staying in, in the morning, to watch the rugby!!