Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 September 2019


I hope everyone has a great week and a beautiful autumn! The equinox is Monday (the 23rd). 

AQ: Have a wonderful spring equinox. I know you celebrate the first day of spring on September 1. Have a great season!

  • Pat - in answer to your question, Sod's law (which in the States I believe is generally referred to as Murphy's law)
    I prefer Sod's - it sounds more satisfying!

    Pleased to read that you are having a good day, OG. I hope you enjoyed the evening meal.

    Lovely report of your trip, Gardenbirder. Lucky you, with more to come! I look forward to any reports from Alaska.

    Annette - Hope you have a good journey.

    We have been to see 'Downton Abbey'. I agree with others who have seen it. Rather silly, but a pleasant film.

    Hello to Heather, Lindy and AQ. Good to read your news.
  • Pat O said:
    Lindy - oops! Sorry. My geography north of Watford isn't brilliant ... but I really should know the difference between Cumbria and Yorkshire, both of which I have visited extensively ... put it down to brain overload!

    No probs, Pat.    :-)   For a minute though, I thought it was me...   We have found somewhere to stay which is in a chain and inexpensive,so are going to book it tomorrow.

    Edit:  Kind of you to think of us, though.

  • Good Morning. Awoke to bright sunshine this morning, although sunshine & showers predicted. My OH is off shortly to a full Golf Day, followed by his Golf Society dinner tonight. I've bought a pasta ready meal for myself.

    Rosy, I was thinking along the same lines about Sod's Law!

    Hope that Annette had a good journey.

    Was going to go out this morning, but now am putting it back to this afternoon as my sis in law is coming around to discuss something exciting. More news of that later.
  • Lovely to hear from Gardenbirder: what an exciting trip. Glad you managed to fit in some wildlife and bird watching in between your social visits!
  • Its been wet, and now its wet, wild and windy here. My OH went out geared up for his wet game of golf, but returned an hour later saying it was cancelled. They hope to play it in about a fortnight.

    Meanwhile, his sister had arrived and we have had long talks and deliberations. (I should name my sis in law, as she comes up often, so I shall call her Sue) -- We have, for all of this week, been discussing a particular holiday the three of us could take together, and today we decided upon the details, and we have booked it: a cruise to see the Norwegian Fjords!! Sue is very excited, but I told her that she could never be as excited as I am, as seeing the fjords is one of the big things on my lifetime Bucket List! We have a long time to save up for it, and to think about it, as its not until spring 2021!!!
  • Morning all:

    Lindybird: Arrived safe in Indio after pretty good ride through LA. Am about to jump in shower and head to Prescott.
    That cruise sounds lovely. Will you leave from the UK or fly and pick up a ship there? Better start thinking about which shoes to take! :-)

    Take care all
  • Arrived home about an hour ago - so tired that I could weep! There was a three car accident on the M4 in Wales and so didn't arrive at Bristol Airport at the time we had hoped. Anyway, home now.
    I'll read back later, just going to eat !
  • Can't keep up with everyone - Annette goes to AZ just as Heather arrives home - and now Linda is planning for 2021!
    Hardly caught up with myself this week, it has been so chaotic!

    Daughter and SiL arrived just as we were wondering if we should set off to the booked restaurant yesterday evening without them - I don't think they had any idea how long it takes to get me from house to car etc, and they had said they would be here in the afternoon! We did have a lovely meal - huge portions so I just had a Haggis Tower starter when the others had a main (most also had dessert). We then talked quite late into the evening until they went to find their accommodation in Dumfries. J and I were both very tired.

    Our friends arrived for coffee quite early as they wanted to fit in a museum visit on the way to Edinburgh. We all had a lot to share after their first four years out East - they were in Bolivia before! Then we went out this afternoon to Friday Fellowship at church - turned out to be about mission in Romania - so difficult to take it in due to overload!

    Hoping next week will be less busy than this - OH still has his printing to do, tomorrow as well as he shopping postponed from today, but I shall have (and need) a quiet Saturday. I seem to have even less pain in the hip today and moved easily from preparing veg on the breakfast bar (at sitting height) to the sink to wash my hands - real progress.

    Weather was shocking today, until some bright five o'clock sunshine - looks bad for the weekend too. Still hoping to get to Windermere next Wednesday - I think that will be the fourth attempt!
  • Goodness, it sounds as if poor Heather has had a tough journey home. What a shame, as the rest of her time away sounded enjoyable.

    OG, good to hear that you're feeling well physically, but maybe you are now overloaded with things after such an eventful week. Hope you can get some rest and have a quiet day tomorrow. We had very contrasting weather, too, with very heavy showers and alternating extremely bright sunshine, resulting in a beautiful rainbow in the late afternoon. We were looking out of the window at it, and then my OH saw a Sparrowhawk in the garden. It was actually on the ground, which is a first for me - they are usually in trees or on fence posts. It was eating a small bird for its dinner.

    I managed to remember to go and book our accommodation for the wedding next summer, and also to RSVP the happy couple. 

    Edit:  Glad you've arrived OK, Annette!

  • LINDA – I have nothing booked for 2021 and am free to carry your suitcase. Your shoes are in a separate case, right?

    OG – Good news you are moving easier. Please don’t do too much too soon.

    I can’t keep up with all those gallivanting, coming and going LOL