Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 September 2019

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  • Heather, sorry you've got a horrid decision to make about your boiler.

    My OH picked more tomatoes today, and I thawed out some turkey stock which has been lurking in the freezer, so that he could make some warming vegetable soup. I went to write some emails, and make a start on the h'work. When I came to see how he was getting on, he'd added some onions and carrots, and then tried to add the top off his thumb to the mix! In typical fashion, he was trying not to make a fuss, but I could see the discarded bits of paper kitchen towel around, rather covered in blood!!

    We've put a plaster on it and well have to wait and see. The soup was delicious.
  • Morning all; Thanks for all the updates. Am about to jump in the shower at friend's house and then off to meet other friend for brunch.

    Diane: Yes, I saw a quick news flash before I left that one of the Santa Monica Mountains lions was killed on the freeway. :-( Didn't get the details....
  • Wet most of the day - heavy rain, then lighter rain. Dry since about 3pm, and a lovely bright evening now. Didn't go shopping with OH, so I was busy with paperwork, ordering online etc.

    HEATHER - sorry about the boiler issue - difficult decisions.

    LINDA - sorry about the thumb - glad the soup turned out tasty.

    Orthopaedic appt for me tomorrow morning, so OH and I will stay out for lunch (probably at one of the garden centres) and J can make himself something.
  • It stopped raining here about mid afternoon, but I havn't had time to go outside at all, today. Been busy doing all sorts of things. Helped my OH put the blinds and curtain rails back where he's painted, but not putting the curtains back yet. Hoping that the man who is fitting our new blinds will ring this week and come to fit them soon, as we've moved stuff so that its accessible.

    Emptied the ironing basket. Hooray!
  • Trying to post more pics.... from our walk yesterday.

    Elderberries almost ready to pick.

  •  l

    Lovely views of the countryside, with everything ready to seed.

  • Lindybird: Small pix again (but pretty).
  • Good morning All. Dry here and supposed to be mostly dry for a few days. We've decided to head back to Wales at the end of the week to enjoy what's left of the weather.

    Don't know why my pics sometimes come out small, sometimes huge - I do the same procedure to get them posted. Tried to post more the other day, but they wouldn't show at all!

    Off out shopping today.
  • Heather and Rosy – We are actually very lucky here compared to how villages fare nowadays. Not only a good local pub, but also a very good local shop/ newsagent/ post office and also a drop off point for courier deliveries, useful when you know you are going to be out. Still haven't finished, also a male/ female hairdresser and an excellent Pharmacy. The pharmacist is often away for a couple of days as he is also a pharmacist trainer (and his locum is good as well.) We get a lot of people from other villages for our facilities.

    On another track I have fingers crossed as I appear to be on day three of no statin withdrawal relapse symptoms.
  • Hairdresser this morning, wish that I could make my hair look like she does! The shampooing girl asked me if I was on a day off from work....At the time, my head was lying back so perhaps the wrinkles had smoothed out!

    My stepson visited after I returned home. He can't understand why I want to understand about boilers etc. In fact he laughed at me. Just the sort of attitude that I hate.

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