Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 August 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful, happy week. It's almost autumn, and night is coming earlier now. I'm seeing nature signs that indicate it's going to be a harsh winter here.

  • It will only post one pic at a time, and one per post. Still, it's better than nothing.

    Lynette, it's because I'm trying to put on some pics I took on my new smartphone: in the past, my photos were taken from my camera.

    Another of the heather:
  • Good Morning: sunshine out of my window this morning, so I can at last put my laundry out.

    Must get on with the chores, then start to pack yet again, as we're off early on Sunday morning, to visit little Amber for her birthday!
  • LINDA – Stockpiling Marmite! Perhaps I should send you food parcels . . . of vegemite.

    At last the block behind is cleared; it is so peaceful today. They’ve left the scrawny lemon tree that has never produced any juicy fruit as the various owners/tenants never watered it. The peaches were dry too but the lorikeets didn’t seem to mind. Another chilly day 3C to 15 C and no rain.

  • Aaargh! Noooooo! - sorry, but I tried to like Vegemite and I hate it! It's not the same as Marmite at all.

    Glad you're getting some respite from the noise, but I suppose it will be short lived and soon there'll be building noises.

    Sunny here, so ideal for drying my laundry. Spent a happy (not) half hour trying to top up the balance on my new phone only to be told by a disembodied voice that it was not successful. Think I'll wait until the weekend now to get my Eldest to do the job for me and tell me where I'm going wrong.
  • AQ/LINDY - I was given a jar of Vegemite but just could not like it - I guess it is what one is used to!
    I have a Sim only phone which I bought quite a few years ago. I pay £11 per month for unlimited texts and 200 minutes of calls - at least, to the best of my memory that is what it is! I do use it quite a lot for Messenger /Facebook, also.

    OG - It seems that parliament will' only' be 'closed' for an extra five days but …… I'd better not say any more because like the country those of us on here are also probably divided in our opinions.

    Having just eaten my M and S roast pork dinner I'd better get on with some house/garden chores.
  • I can't cope with Vegemite either. I'm not mad about Marmite, but get the odd craving for it, so there's always a jar in the cupboard. Won't be hoarding, though.

    Heather - Can't imagine where they got 'five days' from - sounds like five weeks to me. I am certainly one of those who has very divided opinions - I haven't a clue what's going on!

    I have a SIM only monthly contract with my phone, which costs me £7.50 a month. For that I get more calls and texts that I am ever likely to need, and plenty to pick up odd e-mails (mostly done at home on my laptop, just 'emergencies' when I'm away from home), WhatsApp and the odd 'Google'. I'm certainly not into streaming, or watching films or programmes on my phone - the screen's too small for a start! I was recently offered something even cheaper, but I've never heard of the company so didn't take it. The price hasn't changed in three years.
  • I'm signed up for a ten pounds a month deal, which sounds very like yours, Pat. It's with 02.

    Ho hum. I was trying to get some emails sent and other housekeeping on the main pc, when the doorbell went. It was my dear sis-in-law, with news which although is not a death in the family or anything, was most unhappy and for all of us, distressing.  My OH came home whilst his sister was still here, and we all talked for an hour before she left, saying she would not stay for lunch. We both then bolted something down, and then declared that we had indigestion! I should know by now, that my stomach rules my life in some ways. :-(

    I tried to cheer myself up by erecting a new bird feeder pole in the garden I bought recently, which was most difficult; my OH helped me but then when we put it into the ground, it was waay too short.  Bah!

    Can see its going to be "one of those days" again, trouble is I had one of those yesterday, too!  I may not come on again for a bit as I will be all moans....

  • PAT - it was an article I was reading and possibly misread ! Effectively business is suspended anyway during party conference season?
    That's a good deal you have with your phone company. I thought mine was good but yours beats it!
    I've just sent Marmite to Denmark. The postage costs as much as the Marmite but I won't hear of them reimbursing me. Their family have been so kind to ours for over 50 years. Anyway, I get a kick out of sending it, they usually pick up supplies when they are here but no visit since last October. They hope to come here in November but are not booking the ferry until after 31st October.......
  • Morning all:  Well, the two dyed-blonde bozos are well-matched, except the Brit version seems much more devious.  I signed the online petition to stop the prorogue, not being a fan of rogues in general....   Have no knowledge of Vegemite and don't believe Marmite ever darkened our door in the UK

    AQ: What?  Now a neglected lemon tree!  :-(

    Lindybird:  Sorry you're having such trouble with pix.  I still have some of the Fiesta parade I went to and have yet to attempt uploading one....  

    Keep calm and carry on I guess....