DYFI OSPREY PROJECT – August 2019 to end of February 2020

Link to previous thread:   Dyfi Osprey Project - July 2019

The season so far:   Telyn (Blue 3J) arrived back 30 March and Monty on 1 April.  Telyn laid 3 eggs 17, 20 and 23 April hatching 26, 27 and 29 May.    The three chicks were ringed and named on 28 June as follows: #1 Blue KA1 (F) “Berthyn”,   #2 Blue KA2 (M) “Peris” and #3 Blue KA3 (M) “Hesgyn”.    Peris aged 52 days fledged first on 18 July followed by Berthyn aged 54 days on 20 July and finally Hesgyn aged 53 days fledged on 21 July.

August has now arrived and the migration window opens.  Teyln and Monty have done a fantastic job raising these three beautiful young ospreys ensuring they have had the best start in life to undertake their first migration.   So until such times they go their independent ways and head off south, enjoy!

Link to Webcam\Copyright:   © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Telyn just delivered a fish to Hesgyn. 

    Copyright DOP 

  • Unknown said:
    Telyn just delivered a fish to Hesgyn. 

    What a great catch, ALISON :o

    I had a closer look and it was quite interesting when Hesgyn flew with his fish (after eating some) and the corvids moved in:

  • Peris with a large flounder from Monty No sign of Peris's siblings or his parents


  • Monty delivered a flounder to Berthyn not so long ago, then she flew with it as Hesgyn arrived. Telyn then brought a flounder to him, but nearly got her foot ripped off!

    © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

  • No LIMPY today?!  Be well, Limpy x

    I don't know how you girls recognise the juvies, I cannot tell the difference unless I can see the ring numbers.

    This was the 07:00 flounder from Monty, it was the first fish of the day - posting it because I snapped it before checking what was here already - anyway it shows it was a nice big one:

    Some was eaten but most of it got left on the nest for ages:

    Until someone came along and carted it away, squawking:

    Monty with another flounder, as described by ALISON:

    You just missed the zoomer's arrival, Alison Slight smile

    Berthyn with Monty's flounder:

    As recorded by ALISON, Hesgyn tugged Telyn's toe instead of the fish.

    Just in case this is her last day, we never know:

    Hesgyn made good progress with the flounder, keeping a watchful eye open:

    There was a sunny breakthru while this osp was chilling out there:

    Same bird or not?

    It can only be a parent or Peris, as Berthyn is on the nest waiting for Hesgyn's leftover - she'd already pulled some old fish out of the nest material but it wasn't fit to eat:

    Got it!

    Once the nest was vacated the usual scavengers arrived:

    Someone out there again:

    Then a gap where I let the download go past the limit.

    Then Hesgyn and Berthyn hanging out again:

    Telyn got blow'd up 'n down with fish for Berthyn:

    But it got there OK ;)

    As did Hesgyn:

    While the cam was zoomed in, Berthyn flew off with this much left:

    Hesgyn waited on the nest while someone was eating a fish out there:

    Monty brought a small fish for Hesgyn, got his leg pulled but not for too long:

    Then Telyn brought a flapping fish for Berthyn, no toe-hold this time:

    But Telyn had great trouble letting go of the fish:



    Hsgyn had been on the birch perch with a tailend, he flew to the nest in time for Monty's supper fish:

    Hesgyn was too full to eat but that didn't stop him defending the fish from no-one ;)

    It started pouring with rain, with drops bouncing up from underneath the cam, then first Berthyn then Hesgyn flew with their fish - and someone followed Hesgyn from the berch perch:

    I wonder if that was Peris, not seen since morning?  Was this him picking at scraps later?

    He actually ate this!

    And this?

    And probably it's the same bird back after nightcam, hoping in vain: