DYFI OSPREY PROJECT – August 2019 to end of February 2020

Link to previous thread:   Dyfi Osprey Project - July 2019

The season so far:   Telyn (Blue 3J) arrived back 30 March and Monty on 1 April.  Telyn laid 3 eggs 17, 20 and 23 April hatching 26, 27 and 29 May.    The three chicks were ringed and named on 28 June as follows: #1 Blue KA1 (F) “Berthyn”,   #2 Blue KA2 (M) “Peris” and #3 Blue KA3 (M) “Hesgyn”.    Peris aged 52 days fledged first on 18 July followed by Berthyn aged 54 days on 20 July and finally Hesgyn aged 53 days fledged on 21 July.

August has now arrived and the migration window opens.  Teyln and Monty have done a fantastic job raising these three beautiful young ospreys ensuring they have had the best start in life to undertake their first migration.   So until such times they go their independent ways and head off south, enjoy!

Link to Webcam\Copyright:   © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

  • Patily. New Link since the blackout yesterday.
    Sandra posted it yesterday. Link on previous page.

    Here it is.

  • Mike wrote the following post at 15 Aug 2019 7:13 AM:

    Telyn and the chicks yesterday.

    Just in case anyone is too lazy to check the page ;)  Or can't view Facebook... Lovely to see the supermum and her 2019 offspring all together.

    Thursday 15 August

    I struggled over a few snaps from very limited clips yesterday, and forgot to finish the post :o I do apologise but I can't make myself not post them :'(

    This was Peris with a lovely fish:

    Someone, I thought Monty, flew down from the perch and watched for a while, then flew in response to an unseen intruder:

    When a sib came along, Peris flew with his heavy fish:

    And soon appeared with it on the birch perch:

    It was very windy and I couldn't get a handsome shot:

    Berthyn looking very plump:

    Hesgyn nestcupping !!!  He had a clump underneath him:

  • Friday 16 August

    No-one seen until well into daycam, then a rather dramatic entrance by two - we needed a video for their animated behaviour:

    They behaved almost as if one thought the other was an intruder:

    Time for the nest stander to do some mad blurred helicoptering:

    The two ended up on each end of the perch:

    Then corvids had a free run of the nest for quite a while:

    Then 2 juvies turned up, one on birch perch one on nest:

  • 16 Aug

    In the morning Monty brought fish twice in quick succession, both times flying in sideways from the right :)

    Soon after the second one the missing juvies appeared together from nowhere ;)

    And the nest got crowded:

    Monty left them to it and flew around to the birch perch.

    The zoomer came on duty :)

    Nobody had gone hungry:

    Monty joined a juvie to eat leftovers:

    Then took his to a fave perch:

    He brought it back for no takers:

    He flew off but back again when Peris appeared on the nest:

    Monty went to chill on a distant perch again but his peace was disturbed:

    By 2 fishless kids creating on the nest:

    Eventually, come evening, Monty delivered to an empty nest:

    A juvie descended vertically:

    Monty flew:

    The juvie ate well and left the fish on the nest - see its crop!

    Monty came for the fish:

    And took it out to the low perch - I hope you can see him OK, I've run out of puff for doing arrows or circles ;)

    That was the last activity I've got for the day.

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • © DOP - Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here