Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 July 2019


The full moon -- the Buck Moon -- is Tuesday. 

Sorry for starting the thread early. I got up really early to work, and I'm off to take a nap. I thought I'd go ahead and start it. Very hot here today.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • DIANE: I'm pleased to read that your friend realized she'd screwed up and apologized. I'd have been tempted to forgive (if not forget) just to escape to some air conditioning! :-) Hope you get some work done with all those critters, especially the one who's apparently so thrilled to find itself in a good home. Good to hear from you - and take care.
  • Good Morning. We're both tired, and late rising after a broken night, but I'm sure we'll be fine.

    The TV has been awash with memories of the moon landing, and interviews with those involved who are still alive. My favourite is the man who was at the Mission Control Centre, who told the astronauts that "everyone has turned blue, here!" whilst they all held their breath.

    Lynette, hope the time soon comes around and you can get your eye sorted. The forecast for the next few days is for the weather to warm up, in fact next week should be hot!

    Diane, sorry you're suffering in too much heat. You really do get extremes. Hope you can enjoy the air con at your friends. Had to laugh at your description of the heavy dog!
  • Morning all:  

    Lindybird:  I saw the original Mission Control (some years back before the anniversary renovation) - and the new one when I was working for the magazine and was in Houston on business.  At that time, the new one was tracking the ISS.  Some people have such exciting jobs!    

  • I don't know where the day has gone, this morning I couldn't get on the site and eventually had to re boot my internet thingy. Walked to town, etc etc. Every time I've started to write this the phone has rung so I'll give up and come back tomorrow.....
  • How exciting, Annette. I would love to come over and see all the exhibitions of the original equipment, etc.

    Heather, I know what its like to have days like that. You've been busy but not sure exactly with what, afterwards. And don't even begin with what happens on this Site, sometimes..... if you weren't all so lovely, I would leave & just follow the ospreys on Facebook!
  • Hello, ALL.

    Last night’s rain dried through the morning so OH and I went outside to do some dead-heading of flowers around the deck – stayed ten minutes until rain started!  It soon got heavy, so we were back indoors.  After lunch, with sunshine and a stiff breeze, we were out there again – a warm afternoon.  J had taken his usual Saturday train ride to Carlisle.

    OH has gone out this evening – a concert of renaissance music being held in our church – I just couldn’t be bothered to get ready and go out as I am still enjoying being back from our three days away!

    LINDA – I hope you dried out and warmed up!  I see there was a tornado over Tatton after you had left!

    LYNETTE – I am sure the next few weeks will pass quickly until your eye appointment.  Hope you are having a nice weekend.

    DIANE – sorry it is so hot in the city.  Glad you felt able to accept friend’s apology and agree to doggy sit.  Surprised the old dog is still around.  Pleased the new addition seems to have accepted you!   Do they still have the nasty cat?  Sounds as if you didn’t get a space between projects!  Hope the second one will be less demanding (ie better authored!).

    Well, I guess that’s me done for tonight!  Don’t know how we shall be tomorrow – I have been told the others will need to share my shower as the other one has lost pressure – hope it doesn’t last long.  I know I am lucky that we have two but am so used to having “a place for everything and everything in its place” in my wetroom!

  • Hello ALL,

    Wet morning here, so decided to take gd to the cinema. We homed in on 'Yesterday', as she had seen/didn't want to see other choices. Very corny, but she seemed to like it. We then went to Pizza Express, so you tell we have had an exciting day!

    Thanks for news from Annette, Lindy, Heather, Diane and OG and others earlier.