Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 July 2019


The full moon -- the Buck Moon -- is Tuesday. 

Sorry for starting the thread early. I got up really early to work, and I'm off to take a nap. I thought I'd go ahead and start it. Very hot here today.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • So happy to hear that it went well, OG.
  • Well, its raining here and the forecast is wet...... I shall be wearing a light floral sweater, instead of my pretty floral t shirt, and a light raincoat over the top of it. Plus short wellies!

    Spoke at length to my late Friends OH last night on the phone. He is coping, and bravely trying to organise a few holidays away this year. Her rather ancient cat is pining, sadly. We may meet him today at the Flower Show as they also always used to go to enjoy it, and he's determined to carry on.

    Hope that OG and family are recovering from their trip south.
  • Lindybird:  All too often, it's the woman who maintains the social relationships for a married couple.  I hope your friend's husband will continue to visit, etc., their mutual friends.  It must be hard for him.  Enjoy the flower show!

  • You're right, Annette - and she was a live wire, socially. He played more of a supporting role, happily following her lead when she organised things, whether it was intimate dinners at home, or big parties of us attending charity concerts as a group.

    Well, where to start about our experiences today!! ---  it has been wet -- very, very wet. It was raining as we arrived at the show, and we were surprised not to have to queue for entry as usual, but a lot of people must have been hoping that the rain would lessen if they waited. It didn't.  Oh, no!

  • LINDY - sorry about the weather and boots etc but sure that you will enjoy Tatton, anyway!
    Your friend's widower - I admire him for wanting to keep going. My late OH was exactly the same after his first wife died. I probably haven't pushed myself enough since he died but he was the social butterfly !

    OG - good that the biopsy went well and J was OK with it. I think that you will be tired today....

    It is a lovely day here. I should be gardening but not in the mood. I hate it when the garden is a chore so stay away from it on those days. Will have to water later, though.
  • It just continued, more or less without stopping, for the whole morning. We began in the biggest marquee then pulled on our hoods and braved it, to look at everything else. Some of the stallholders were standing sadly in their open fronted tents, with no customers as a lot of the sunny relaxed atmosphere was absent.

    We tried to see what we could: as it got worse, if anything,  big puddles built up on the uneven parts of the ground. We both had strong cagoules with hoods, and I put up a small umbrella I'd brought. Eventually, though, our trousers were soaked through and after an hour or two my legs began to feel achey as I got colder. We stopped for my OH to have a hot coffee, and managed ten minutes on a damp bench under an open roofed part. By lunchtime we had seen what we could manage, and my OHs hands were shaking: he'd got too cold and wet. We left, just after 12.30.

    When we got home, my OH got straight into a hot shower and I put on the electric fire, which we sat in front of whilst we ate the sandwiches we'd taken with us! Then a big mug of hot tea...

    I did manage a few photos, but was worried that my camera might be damaged by the wet, so put it away for a lot of the time.

  • Oh LINDY - so so unfortunate for everyone. So much effort put in and then the flipping British weather... Hope you have both warmed up x
  • LINDY What a shame that Tatton Park was such a wash out. We will have the opposite problem with our Danube cruise. They haven't had enough rain so water levels are low.
  • OG Glad you are all back safe and sound. Hope the results don't take too long.