Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 July 2019


The full moon -- the Buck Moon -- is Tuesday. 

Sorry for starting the thread early. I got up really early to work, and I'm off to take a nap. I thought I'd go ahead and start it. Very hot here today.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • And we'll all look forward to your pics, LINDY!

    Rainy here today so went shopping.

    Love the idea of a cat in a hammock, ROSY!
  • Forgot to say, ANNETTE- you are absolutely correct in that the husband is probably far more upset. His wife speaks the same words but I know whose words :-)
  • Heather, I was imagining that the air could have been rather blue at the time! What a shame.

    It began raining here an hour ago, so I rushed to save the dry laundry. My OH rushed off to pick peas before it got too torrential. So I guess we'll be having peas with our meal tonight. Its still warm, but rather damper now. I expect that OG and family may have had the same weather as us, being in the same area.

    ps -- After my exertions in the garden yesterday, I expected to have some pulled muscles and aches, but I seem to be OK :-)

  • Very quiet on here.  We've been in and out all day.

    Diane: I'm looking at the weather forecast for the Mid West and East Coast and it looks TERRIBLE  Do take care in that heat.

    Lindybird:  I hope you feel as good tomorrow.

    Heather: If Danish dude is so particular, I'd be reluctant to have him in my house where we're very laid back.

    Looking forward to hearing from OG regarding the Manchester trip.

  • Good Morning. Sunny here so more laundry is on the cards!

    Off to the hairdressers again, so a busy morning, but hoping to find time to sit in the garden this afternoon, to stop everything and just enjoy our flowers. The weeks and months fly by so fast, I don't want to find its winter and I haven't noticed!
  • Flew into the garden as soon as I got home, as it started drizzling as I drove up the road - rescued the laundry once again. Haircut has tidied me up, but looks severe for the 1st week until it grows a little.

    Must take some photos of the garden, then charge the camera up ready for tomorrow's adventure.

    Hope all going well for OG, EE, and J.
  • LINDY - have a lovely day, tomorrow. I hope the weather will be good.

    It is very showery here today and I'd like to say that I've been working hard in the house but no, just pottering about!

    I'm also thinking about OG, EE and J.
  • love that the cat had its own hammock.
  • Have a great time at Tatton LINDY and look forward to your pics.
  • Again, thanks for all the kind thoughts. Wednesday went well - very quick and J fine afterwards. Will hope to get results next week. There was a cytologist present to check the sample quality.

    Visited a favourite garden centre near Preston on the way home, and bought food in their farm shop for our meal at home this evening - also had some good meals while away!

    Will read and write tomorrow.