The Scottish Ospreys from extinction to survival by Philip Brown

This is a wonderful book describing how the ospreys were first extirpated in Scotland around 1916 and then were found to return in 1954.

A number of people on the forum now have a copy so we can have a discussion about it.

Here is what the book looks like.  Its ISBN number is: 9780434089109


  • Got my copy of P.Brown's book today, yea! Well it actually came to my postal office in Wed but I haven't had time/opportunity until today to pick it up. When I ordered it in 15th this month they told it might take up to 45 days to arrive, but once again ospreys proved to be mighty fliers LOL Can't wait to start reading, so ....

  • Unknown said:

    Got my copy of P.Brown's book today, yea! Well it actually came to my postal office in Wed but I haven't had time/opportunity until today to pick it up. When I ordered it in 15th this month they told it might take up to 45 days to arrive, but once again ospreys proved to be mighty fliers LOL Can't wait to start reading, so ....

    Great news Auntie. I look forward to hear what you think of it.

  • Hooray! I'm glad it arrived quicker than you thought auntie. 45 days did seem rather excessive.

    Happy reading! :)

  • Happy you got your  book Auntie. I am still waiting 

    I was also told it may take 45 days to arrive  and it  may  take that long.

    I got confirmation mine shipped on  August 28., so it has been 28 days so far.  

    I have ordered several things from the UK and it normally takes 10 -14 days . So this is slow, but i am sure I will  enjoy it  once it arrives. .

    Maybe mine was shipped by Dolphin  and we all know  they spend a lot of time playing with each other . :) 


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Unknown said:

    Had a  lie-in this morning so I am nearly through chapter 2. So sad to read people professing to be concerned that osprey numbers were dwindling but not seeming to appreciate that they are the cause.  Couldn't believe the numbers of golden eagles mentioned.  As for salving one's conscience by expecting birds to lay more eggs, well.....  I know, hindsight is 20/20 vision and conservation is higher up the agenda now.

    Have you finished now Terry?

  • Unknown said:

    Happy you got your  book Auntie. I am still waiting 

    I was also told it may take 45 days to arrive  and it  may  take that long.

    I got confirmation mine shipped on  August 28., so it has been 28 days so far.  

    I have ordered several things from the UK and it normally takes 10 -14 days . So this is slow, but i am sure I will  enjoy it  once it arrives. .

    Maybe mine was shipped by Dolphin  and we all know  they spend a lot of time playing with each other . :) 



    Waiting is so frustrating.


  • Here is an interesting tool for finding used books worlwide. See

  • That looks very useful, thanks Tiger. I have put it in my favourites.

  • Sorry Tiger, I've been reading something else....  I did have a lie in this morning, but I was asleep!  Woke up and had to leap out of bed so no time for reading  :((

    Terry in Cumbria

  • MY book just arrived !!! 

    I just  scanned through it and it looks wonderful .

    It is  in perfect condition.  

    The seller took extreme care to be sure it arrived without damage

    First it was  wrapped in paper. Then he " made"   a cardboard box to  exactly fit the book and  then wrapped that in a  plastic  that looks like paper .

    29 days  from  the UK to the USA if anyone  orders   in the future .


    Thanks  for the recommendation !


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean