Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 June 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Raining and raining and raining here.

  • OG - good that you were told in advance about the cake delivery!
    I'm hoping that the hotel were understanding and you haven't had to pay a huge cancellation fee.

    It is warm here again and I shall not attempt garden work until much later.
    Tomorrow, off to Elgin for Isla's 10th birthday party.
  • Bumping us up!
    My sis in law in France is in hospital with a head injury after slipping on the tiled kitchen floor. They have extreme heat and nearly 100 % humidity. Walls and hard floors are wet. I can't imagine that degree of humidity +heat.
  • HEATHER have a lovely time with Isla in Elgin. Hope sis in law will recover - sounds bad!

    Collected birthday cake - looks good!
  • Apologies for not making SA clear - South Africa, as you have now guessed.

    Just read through quickly.

    Lindy - love the pics of your blossoms. Have a good trip.

    OG - well done to your OH, it is a godsend now they are retired because they can take over doing the lawns. OH does ours but it takes him some time as he is poor on his legs with a medical condition. Still it gets him some exercise of sorts as normally he would just be sitting indoors. Hope you can keep your hay fever in check. We have a lady at church who suffers and its no picnic. Thankfully , don't have that problem.

    Heather - do hope sister in law's injury is not too serious but of course all head injuries must be looked into. As you say, at least its not as hot here as over there. Friends are in Northern Italy at present so not sure what the temps are there either.

    Warm, sunny,, and breezy down here and supposedly in for a hot weekend. OH off to score for our 2nd team tomorrow and Dau off to a bbq connected with her church, so it just leaves little 'ol me doing what I want!!

    Take care all and have a good weekend.
  • Evening all:  Ghastly temps across continental Europe - I can't imagine not having a/c in those conditions.

    Heather:  Let us know how your SiL does.  Enjoy the day at Elgin.

    Lynette: I like having the house to myself.  Doesn't happen that often.

    OG: Good that g'sons gift lifted J's spirits. Enjoy the cake!

    Sun out here today; just keeping busy and about to  launch into yet another an evening of scanning.....   Granddaughter and Ms. D arriving next Tuesday for July 4.  GDD will head back to AZ Saturday but Ms. D will stay on until Tuesday or Wednesday the following week.   :-)

  • Rain, glorious rain. After a week of spring (!) sunshine, 16 mm overnight & this morning. That seems to be it, just a drip promised for Tuesday. I’m not keeping up with thread – no idea what I’ve been doing with my days.
  • Sis in law is back home, sore head and what my brother calls stitches in her inner ear. I think maybe cautery but what do I know ?! No serious injury, apparently. I say that because my brother's command of French doesn't extend to medical terminology and some French folk will not converse in any other language but their own.
    ANNETTE - I'm sure that some houses will have air conditioning but in their hamlet a lot of the homes have a 'sous-sol' or basement. There is sometimes a bedroom, kitchen and living area below ground. I'm told that the folk use these areas during very hot weather.... Other than that, windows open inwards, not outwards and it is usual to open the windows and close the shutters. The house is shaded and cooler. Some air must get through the shutters, I suppose! My brother is running two dehumidifiers since he has neither shutters or a basement :-(
  • Good morning. J has opened some birthday cards - since which another hand delivered! Nothing from his sisters yet!

    LYNETTE - we had the heat yesterday, a couple of degrees cooler today. It rained long enough to say "it's raining" and then it stopped! Nice to have a day on your own occasionally - make sure you drink plenty in the hot weather, it's so easy to forget when you are not making drinks for others.

    ANNETTE - good that some of the family will be with you for Thanksgiving - and Miss D staying on for the weekend!

    AQ - sounds like you need to sit down and take a deep breath - you don't have to worry about keeping up here, we are all quite erratic posters at times.

    HEATHER - good that sis-in-law is home, although she will miss the air-con of the hospital! Enjoy Isla's day!
  • Here I am -- not been on since this time yesterday, as seem to be having problems with my WiFi.

    Had a good visit yesterday, more about that later.

    Not read back yet as too many posts to catch up on. Just going into the garden with a cold drink, as been out food shopping and gossiping.

  • Yesterday was mixed, in that although we set out in what we supposed was plenty of time, we got later and later, the further we went. The rush hour, Friday traffic, meant that it took us a full three quarter of an hours extra time to get to our sons house, after endless queuing through roadworks. We were just beginning to panic when we finally got to their town, tired already. I looked after little Matthew (Thomas the Tank Engine books and etc) whilst my OH walked to the school to fetch Tomasz. Meanwhile, the scan at Worcester Hospital showed that "baby is cooking nicely" and all is well.

    We all shared a bought fish & chip feast later, plus some of the little cakes I'd baked. I could see that my OH was tired but he insisted on driving back home himself, and we were both weary when we finally got in. The car had had to have two new tyres but at least we felt confident In it for the journey.

    Heather, how unfortunate that your sis in law fell. But not surprising, I suppose, as they're having such unusual heat there, breaking all records I believe. Enjoy the birthday party tomorrow.