Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 June 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Raining and raining and raining here.

  • Good morning!

    A lovely sunny day is promised -
    LINDY- I think that I'll let the jungle have it's own way and then tackle it later. It certainly looks different from previous years and some things, the Canterbury bells for example, are spreading..... I can just see a peony that is reaching for the sky because another plant is smothering it. Then there is the tropeolum. Oh dear.

    Nice to hear from you, BJane! Hope you are well.
  • Good Morning. For some reason, my tablet is not getting a good WiFi signal: I wrote a post about two hours ago and still it won't post. So now I'm on the desktop.

    The sun is out: at last I can wash the dog beds! My OH has gone off to golf in his shorts.

    I shall bake some little cakes this morning, for tomorrow - we are off to our Youngests to babysit in the afternoon, whilst Mum has a scan to check that the baby is OK.

    I hope everyone in the UK is going to be able to keep cool over the next few days, and that things go well for OG and family.
  • Hello – afternoon smouldering on and I haven’t written anything yet! OH is mowing and I daren’t go outside – hay fever bad enough in here with the windows open!

    HEATHER – J has such a range of problems right now that I can’t really try to say what is wrong. He is a bit calmer with the latest med added in. Sorry your border is giving you problems. We usually divide perennials in autumn. First warning: don’t be tempted to keep all the pieces! Lucky you having Tropeoleum – failed the couple of times we tried. I love to see it growing on yew hedges in estate gardens.

    LINDA – superb pics of Poppy (lovely shade), Rose and Foxgloves. Hope big car’s problems are few and it will be well for the weekend! Golf never stops for anything, does it?

    BJANE – thanks for the kind thoughts. Good to see a post from you – hope you are keeping well!

    ANNETTE and others – cake itself will freeze, but I’m never sure of the icing. Good news about return of Golden Eagles to the mountains; hope the chicks fledge successfully. Another Hen Harrier here trapped (with illegal trap) on a grouse moor – too many dying unnecessarily for the sake of money made on shooting estates.

    J had a guitar out last evening and again this morning – that is a good sign.
  • We walked around the front garden this afternoon to see what stray weeds we could find, and other anomalies. I can actually say the front is now completed, until it needs attention again or we can continue improving the moved turf. I was pleased to tell him how good it looks, he has worked hard. OH has the hosepipe out this evening - probably a daily job with the current hot and dry weather.

    I'm enjoying the long sunny evenings much more than the early sunrise - Dawn Chorus was at about 3:30 this morning - far too soon!
  • I've been busy. My OH has also been out & about. He tries not to miss his golfing sessions, if possible - he even refused a possible Drs appointment recently because it was a golfing morning. It had to be put back several days, but its not urgent. I encourage him to enjoy his hobby, as for years he worked extremely hard, often 6 days a week, and he only managed a game of bowls once a week then, for his "time off". So I hope he can now enjoy his retirement!

    The car is still in the garage, as they suggest it could be the tyres which are the problem, so tomorrow they're going to try two new tyres to see if it helps. They've promised it will be sorted before lunchtime, as we have to leave by then.

    OG I was happy to hear that you're so pleased with the front garden now. You should be getting a bit more sunshine in the next few days!

  • Good Morning. Dry and sunny here. I'm off, doing all sorts of things before going South today, to see the bairns.
  • Lindy: Have a lovely journey and visit!
  • Thanks - just got the car back, so packing it now.... glad we have aircon in the car for the journey, its pretty warm!
  • Dry, hot and very sunny here too.

    LINDA - safe journeys and a good time with the boys.

    Grandson#1 has confirmed arrangements for tomorrow. They will arrive about 2pm and stay for tea.

    Grandson #2 is cycling in the Hebrides - landed in Barra last evening. J received a birthday present from him and his wife this morning - a looping pedal for his guitar (apparently Ed Sheeran uses one, but I know nothing about such things other than he seems very pleased with it!).

    J is off to see the nurse shortly then we shall grab a quick lunch before going to M&S - good job we planned this for afternoon - they phoned this morning to say it had been missed off their early delivery but assuring us it will be there later!