WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 16, 2019

Happy New Week and Happy Father's Day!

  • PAT O So sorry to hear about your friend. I do not understand why mental health comes way down the list as far as treatment is concerned. It is a nightmare for those who need help. and their families too.
  • ANNETTE - yes, she is looking for one full time job.....
    I empathise about the hard floor vs carpet thing. My OH was a carpet man and he bought very expensive floor coverings - I can't justify getting rid of them. There is even carpet in the conservatory :-( The only areas here without carpeting are the kitchen and bathrooms. And one of the bathrooms had carpeting when I moved in. I did object to that and I was listened to!!!!
  • Hello All: we are back home again after a pleasant day with the family. The sun shone throughout, so nice for getting some photos, although after we had enjoyed our buffet lunch, I did wish we had all decanted ourselves and sat out in the garden. Instead we adults were indoors whilst the children ran in and out, enjoying themselves after being "on best behaviour" in church.

    Good journeys both ways, even though there are still lots of roadworks. And my choc cake went down well!!
  • My OH likes carpets everywhere, although I put my foot down on bathrooms, and we have mock boarded floors there with loose rugs which can be taken up and washed.

    Hope you can decide on your new flooring, Annette.
  • OG - I always come on late evening - don't go up to bed till about 12.45am - not a good sleeper.

    Been a lovely day down here again. Texted brother to see how the house renovations were going - apparently they are going well but is without floor coverings, blinds, etc so has to see what the current landlord will do particularly as all the old furniture we had in the house has been written off - too damp re original storage by dodgy previous landlord. At least now there is a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel - almost 5 years in finally getting the house done,.

    Re employment - Dau had to take a permanant job last year as a TA with responsibility for EYT otherwise she would have been out. Lost about 3 hrs which she can ill afford on her wages but managed to make it up by being on lunch duty and after schools club. This next school year she has been allocated to Reception full time instead of splitting between nursery and reception. She does precision teaching with the children, suppose to fit 9 children in half an hour - virtually impossible and especially as she keeps getting shunted around due to illness etc. The trials and tribs of a TA.
  • Heather, when we move in here there was carpet in the kitchen, a no, no, for me , so up it came. No carpet in the bathrooms, and kitchen..

    Glad you enjoyed time with the family, Lindy.