WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 16, 2019

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  • HAPPY FULL MOON! It's the Strawberry Moon.
  • Good Morning. A strawberry moon sounds edible, to me...... ;-)

    Your day at the Dorothy L Sayers event sounds good, Harelady. She was a good writer.

    A little grey here this morning, but mixed sunshine and showers predicted for the next few days. Will have to pop in and out to do gardening!
  • HARELADY - you posted while I was composing last evening - good to hear from you about your journeying around at the weekend. My misspent teen years were spent wandering around Oxford! But that A14 on your return journey - a horrible road - why was it not so bad when it was the A45?

    DIANE - had the Strawberries (and some left over for breakfast) but didn't see the moon. Actually don't see dark hours here right now - Blackbird seems to sing through most of the night at this time of year! Glad the carrot eating Groundhog is still around.

    Fine here so far, LINDA, so M&S trip should be on for me, after a quiet morning.
  • Morning all:

    Harelady: Too bad about rain; a potter around Oxford sounds like such a nice way to spend the time. Glass of wine and laptop is a fitting response to a frustrating drive.  UK roads aren't wide enough to hold all the cars these days...  

    OG: Man of the house here got three phone calls and one card with the AZ contingent's card due to arrive late, as usual.

    Heather:  264 visits to this thread?  I guess each time we log on to see what's going on that counts, but there are only about 7 of us!  :-)   Things must be slow on the nests.

    Lindybird: Didn't you have your phone with you for photos or do you prefer an actual camera?   Gosh, your OH makes his own jam?  A man of many talents!

    OG:  "Thirdly" annual meeting would sound a bit odd.  :-)   Hope J's review goes well.

    Diane: Saw the full moon briefly here in between cloud cover.  

    June Gloom still in full force here.  An English woman is renting a studio apartment around the corner from us and doesn't know what to make of the clouds and cool temps.  She doesn't have a car yet so can drive over the hill into the sunshine, though I did loan her my old Raleigh 3-speed bike to explore the neighborhood.

    Take care all.

  • A busy day -- cleaned out several shelves in the garage, which were very dusty and held both my washing powders etc (we have the w. machine out there) and oddments like rose spray, stain remover, candles in case of blackouts, and paint. Got them all down, threw out things which were surplus/useless, and cleaned the shelves, or rather my OH did, as he's taller! Then put things back into more logical order for ease of finding. Felt so virtuous, we started on a big pile of dog beds, towels etc. Decided that there were way too many, so our dustbin is very full now. Another day will sort the non alcoholic drinks, jam jars etc. Yes, my OH makes good jam: he started doing it years ago one summer when I was too busy with other things to deal with the surplus fruit we'd picked. Occasionally he makes it a little on the runny side, but it still tastes good!

    I did have my mobile phone with me when we saw the deer, but it's very old and takes poor photos. It's not a smartphone, just one of the better mobiles which came out before smartphones became popular. I prefer to use my camera for decent photography.

    We were covered in dust and dirt from cleaning the garage when a car drew up: it was my good Friend Gs OH. I have been in touch with him, and he has obtained some tickets for the Flower Show for us as he is a RHSociety member. So, he came in for a coffee and a biscuit.

    Kind of you to lend out your bicycle, Annette.

    Its been wet here but not quite so rainy, and a little warmer, thank goodness.
  • Hi!

    Successful shopping trip this afternoon. OH "needs" his coffee and cake, so we get home late - I'd rather have a simple coffee back home.

    J's review went well, thanks ANNETTE. Line Manager agreed all his remarks on self assessment, and just one more person needed to "rubber stamp" the decision not to visit the Occ Health agency, so tomorrow could be final visit there.

    Well done, LINDA, for clearing out the garage shelves. Most of OH's "just-in-case" items are now stored in plastic boxes so dust is less of a problem - and paint etc were reduced last time we tidied, and the rest are in a metal office cupboard out there, with cleaning stuff in a separate one at the "utility end". Nice of G's OH to think of you for the Flower Show.

    No rain here today, with quite rough but warm wind. OH is outside now, feeding various veg plants.
  • A quiet day here, spread some more compost and similar garden chores, in between showers. Eldest daughter came to borrow some china for the Grannies tea party at the nursery.
    HARELADY - thanks for sharing about your trip - I know the name of the author but can't recall if I've read any of her books...
    OG - I hope that J 's appointment went well.
    LINDY - I have shelves like that in my garage. They are supposed to be for garden stuff but I see that increasingly, Callum's car cleaning stuff is taking over. I really don't mind, I've never had rules about that sort of thing. It is always good to see him.
  • Good Morning. I was sent the cartoon yesterday by a friend of my OH, who sends us jokes: it made me laugh so much I thought you might like it!

    A bit misty grey today, but hopefully we'll have less rain in the next few days. I feel so sorry for those who have the floods in the UK and have had to leave their homes.

    I'm off out on errands this morning so will potter around the town.
  • Quiet on here again....

    I got my errands done this morning, and then this afternoon I went to see the Doc - I got a letter the other day asking me to come in and discuss the results of the ECG test I had, plus the samples I'd left. Now, if you remember, I had seen the pharmacist and she had asked me, amongst other things, "Do you get out of breath climbing hills?" !!!!

    Being honest, I muttered something about it, but asked, "How steep is the hill?"

    - -- I told the Doc about this today. She looks about 19 but I guess she must be about 28. She listened as I explained that all the tests had been because of that one question. "Well, how do you feel?" she asked, "Do you ever have chest pains, do you ever feel faint?" I looked her in the eye and said I was fine. Then she told me that all the test results were OK. She listened to my heart and took my blood pressure (The pharmacist had done that, and the nurse had, too, when I went for the ECG...... ) When the Doc finally decided that I was all right, after all, I asked her to take a quick look at a couple of moles I have under my armpit. She said they seemed alright but I should keep an eye on them.

    So the saga is at an end, thank goodness! 

    When I got home, I said to my OH that I suppose we should be grateful that they are so thorough. But I still feel aggrieved. :-)

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