Weekly Chat, Sunday July 25, 2010

Hi all:  First off, con't miss the last page of last week's chat for lovely photo of Alan's hibiscus and OG's very informative shots of the nest at LG, showing the perch under the nest where chick #1 likes to sit.

OG. Assume plumber on the list for next week.  So Boat of Garten actually has something to do with a real boat!  I thought it was some obscure Scottish vernacular-ish term that had nothing to do with a boat.  There was a nature program here last week about "preparing" an environment for some species that are living in an area that is expected to be threatened by higher ocean levels in the coming years. As with the Lapwings, the change has to be made gradually.

Cirrus.  A 12-mile hike! I probably burned a couple of hundred calories just thinking about it. 

Was in the garden all day - as I type have the soaker hose going on the camellias, which I fed and which need deep watering about twice in the summer; they're putting out buds now.  Also fed the roses and plumeria. Found a volunteer duranta repens growing in one of the plumeria pots - I thought it was familiar but only recognized it today.    Sun came out around 11 and lovely cool evening now.


  • Hi Cirrus and I am finding that my garden birds are also eating me out of house and home.  Usually by this time of the year they start to move on, especially the starlings.  They are the greediest little devils but amuse me so much.  We have lots of sparrows and dunnocks as well as bluetits, blackbirds, robins, collared doves and the ever present wood pigeons.  I love the sparrows as well such cheeky little birds.  Saw one greenfinch about a week ago and a few years back just for ten minutes had a flock eating berries of a tree at the top of my garden.  The blackbirds have taken to eating suet pellets and I do worry about them and other birds who like insects or worms.  Because of the long hot summer we are having blackbirds must be struggling as they cannot get worms out of the ground.  Must admit I am trying to cater for this by supplying dried meal worms which I soak with water but these cost an absolute fortune.  I would probably starve myself to ensure my birds get their food.


  • Tried to put this picture in my previous post but it wouldn’t show!  It is the blue clematis behind the cool corner.  The trellis hides the compost bins out of view from the deck.

    Margobird – been remembering your white washing all day – have you got it in yet?

    Cirrus – I hope you too are having a good Wednesday – good to “see” you chatting now there is less nest action.  We had our RSPB food delivery this week – couldn’t get any at LG, they were out of stock of most of the varieties.  Dozens of Sparrows here, and counted 15 Blackbirds, mostly juveniles, this morning – as OH remarked, may be time for another visit from Sparrowhawk.  So, with up to 5 Woodpigeons, 3 Feral Pigeons and 2 Collared doves as well, the food doesn’t last long.

    Alan – enjoy the Thunderdog’s walk, and the garden.

    A few light showers through lunch, now sunny, warm and breezy.  Going for blood test soon – went Friday but usually efficient Phlebotomist couldn’t raise a drop – and they actually need 3 phials of varying sizes.  As she said, most people bleed when you stick a needle in!  There wasn’t even a sign of blood on any of the three needles I wasted!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Haven't been on for a while, not been to well again so I am afraid no theatre and no short break away. anyway thanks to all for pics, interesting stories and Of course Lindybirds marvellous poems. Idon't know how she does is.

    MARGOBIRD OH and I saw The Lion King in London some years ago and enjoyed it.The costumes were terrific.

    LIZ LFW You will see from the above that I did not got to Eden Court after all ,hope you enjoyed it.

  • AQ  liked your garden theme and all the other sayings. Reminds me of years ago when I used to look and point and admire peoples gardens. OH said don't stare at other peoples gardens. I told a friend and she said we don't just look we lean over and smell the flowers.

    By the way I hope all the patients are well again and I do hope the beautiful kitten finds a good home soon

  • Good afternoon original goldfinch just to let you know white wasing in and not targeted today thanks goodness.  The items that were targeted yesterday fine so not going to tell OH about his favourite shirt and tee shirt.  Hope they manage to get some blood from you iet is not pleasant to have needles stuck in you so many times to get a drop of blood. Lovely pic of the clematis.


  • dibnlib so sorry you have not been well and can't go to theatre or on a short break.  Hope you recover soon.


    Really looking forward to the Lion King.  My sister has seen it once and can't wait to go again.


  • Hi., I'm back after various missions out (incl. leaving a big bag of French Beans on the doorstep of Sis in Law, as all the different beans are coming in at once from the Allotment).

    Lovely pic of blue Clematis, OG :  never met a Clematis I didn't like! - in my dreams I have one of those old fashioned walled gardens with Clematis and honeysuckle on every wall, all the way around.

    Here is another pic from the Flower Show - although I took about 30, only a few have translated to the PC for some reason, so will not be boring you all with too many. A garden with some pretty planting - not sure what the blue plastic cover is hiding at the back!

  • '' Must admit I am trying to cater for this by supplying dried meal worms which I soak with water but these cost an absolute fortune.  I would probably starve myself to ensure my birds get their food.''

    Margo - do the dried mealworms really get eaten? I've not had much success with them - only with live ones and I made a decisioin not to go with meal worms this year.

    OG I'm with Lindy here - Clementis are so lovely.

    Well, gotta get changed for work ... later    have a good evening all.

    EDIT   SOOO pleased your kitchen work is going well DJoan

  • After several hours without an internet connection and 10 mins before Himself leaves for city, we are connected at last. I’m quite happy about it. LOL. In my first year at high school, the girls had shorts cut with box pleats. They were bright red & looked like tiny skirts. The only problem was when we bent over - our knickers were on full display. The next year new tighter fitting shorts became the uniform!! My mother wore corsets and she introduced us to suspender belts then "rollons" in our teens. Ghastly things that squashed innards.

    Signs from office walls:-

    Everyone brings happiness into this office - some when they enter, some when they leave.

    I'm catching up with yesterday. By tomorrow I should be ready for today.

    The trouble with getting to work on time is that it makes the day so long.

  • Annette - I hope you are OK. Have been hearing about fires in California.