Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 June 2019


I hope everyone has a nice week. 

Thinking of you, dibnlib. Several people left messages to you on the end of last week's thread HERE

  • OG Yes, I've noticed how preoccupied the pigeons are with "other" things - lots of chasing back and forth..... I saw a handsome Spotted Towhee at the feeder the other day. Here's a link to the National Park Service web site www.nps.gov/.../spotted-towhee.htm. We still have very few hummingbirds.....
  • LINDY - how did your OH get on at the dermatology clinic?
  • Sorry, been busy. My OH has been told that he has two moles which look suspect, so they're going to scrape them off and analyse them. In about two weeks. We'll have to wait and see.

    Awful rain here: I got wet three times, then when we got home, we found a leak under the sink which we know the cause of - too long to explain here how. It soaked everything I store under there, so am drying it up now!

  • Not been on for a few days so not sure what has happened.
    Dibnlib - whatever has happened, thoughts are with you.
  • Lindy - looking at the pics of the crashed cruise ship it really annoys me that they are even allowed to dock when Venice is full of waterways and is differently set out to other ports of call. To me they are too big for that area.

    HeatherB - glad to hear you had a pleasant time at the christening and that it went as pretty "normal".

    So proud of our dau. She repotted the silver foliage plants we have into a bigger pot on Sunday and during the week of half term she tidied up the back garden as best she could.

    OG - glad you made your food trip. Thanks for informing us about George, must have been a harrowing experience for him, Will be thinking of him at this sad time.
  • Have been catching up with all your news. Hello to all.

    Weather here has been breezy and changeable with some heavy showers.

    OH off to cricket again tomorrow to do his stint at commentating (for the blind) at our County Ground. Not much play today due to the weather.
  • Good Morning. Nice to hear from you, Lynette.

    Dull and damp here again. I must start getting out some stuff for Wales at the weekend, although we won't be going until Friday night, as my OH has a special golf day that day. Also have to reorganise all the things which we keep under the sink, after yesterdays drama! I went into the kitchen and thought 'What's that strange noise?" - then saw water pouring out of the cupboard. Shrieks ensued!! Now I've dried most of it out, including some new kitchen cloths still in their packets, so I can tidy up. We also had such heavy showers yesterday that there were mini floods across some roads, and our garden looks the opposite of how it was a week ago, when it was too dry.
  • Weather does seem a bit crazy - OH had to go out in the rain last evening to water plants which are under glass or in the shadow of the house eaves! We were intending some garden tidying today, which was supposed to be mainly dry, but have had some showers - mixed light and heavy - so may visit the town museum instead between afternoon showers to catch the exhibition about Haaf Net Fishing which finishes soon.
  • LINDY- it is good that your OH was well inspected and action arranged! Sorry about your plumbing mishap but glad it is now sorted!
    LYNETTE - what a relief for you, the garden being tidied up by your daughter x
    OG - is that the same museum that EE used to volunteer with?

    I hope that DIBNLIB is feeling OK - losing a mother is one of the awful moments in life.
    I'm very sorry that GEORGE had to have such sadness and shock, sending my best regards.

    ANNETTE- good that your plumbing was sorted, also!

    Sorry for short replies. I seem to have spent a lot of time on the phone lately, trying to give advice and a listening ear to all four of my children! Problems never come singly - at least, not in this family.

    Rain again today. Moss needs killing, weeds need killing, my beautiful royal blue ceanothus has collapsed on to the back lawn. Top heavy with blossom, heavy rainfall etc.

  • Morning all:

    OG: Just Googled Haaf-Net Fishing.  An interesting tradition.  Also watched some videos on their website  - it's looks like cold work, standing up to one's waist in the water.  Still, nice fat salmon are worth it.  :-)

    Lindybird: Hope no permanent damage following the flood to kitchen floors, etc.  Have a good time in Wales and fingers crossed the drive/weather are good.

    Lynette: Those cruise ships are hopelessly wrong for Venice - I do hope they ban them.  I gather the one that crashed had engine problems.... !  Is your daughter generally not known for garden activities?   What a treat to find things successfully potted and cleaned up.  I could use her help on a weekend!  :-)

    Heather:  Sounds like you're wearing your Leave Your Problems Here hat quite a lot these days.  My daughter used to call my OH to talk about problems that I was apparently incapable of appreciating  (I made the usual mistake of thinking she wanted advice!).   :-)    Anyway, I'd hear him say, "Hmmm," "Uh-huh" and "I understand" over the course of 20 or 30 minutes and not much else.  Then she'd call me later and tell me what a lovely chat she'd had with him.  :-).    Take care and do something nice for yourself.

    Getting a lot done around here this week. Tomorrow I'm going to zoom off at the crack of dawn to Ventura and Camarillo for the day.  There's a huge Lowe's (like Home Depot) store in Ventura that just may have some household stuff we need, then I'll stop by the equally huge Target farther south for similar bits and bobs. Then - the real challenge - will head to the Camarillo Outlet Center where I hope to find some shoes.  My serious leather walking shoes are wearing out at the toes and my not-serious-at-all Nike mesh runabouts (both are years old) have a tear in the side. It's all getting a bit tatty.  Also could do with some sandals that will Go With Everything and Last For Years.  Stay tuned (or not).

    Off to sort out the world......