LOCH ARKAIG (The Woodland Trust) - JUNE 2019


Everyone is waiting with baited breath on a first hatch for Louis and Aila.....  

Korky's Laying times

Egg 1, 23 April 
Egg 2, 26 April
Egg 3, 29 April

Work out the days yourself, its too early in the morning for me to do it ha ha.... 

  • 05-03 am Fish ... not large, but whole...and much needed food no doubt,  given I couldn't find much evidence of any fish delivery yesterday evening.

  • I thought there was an intruder flashed by but it was chick-poop - it hit the Robin's perch in shadow mode, then slowly dripped down - and I don't think I've done the best with this, never mind ;)

    After Aila's first nightime flyabout she was very wary and alert but I didn't see any intruder:

    Then she settled on the bobs.

    Who's down there?

    This was more a warning spread than a reaction to an attack:

    Another flyabout:

    I had a buffer so don't know what got her up this time:

    Off she went:

    Gone for 6 minutes!

    The bobs were being perfect nuisances, tipping her over:

    She went on the 3-minute trip, maybe looking for Louis with fish?  Later he brought a smallish whole one:

    She started feeding immediately - as you can see, not from a friendly angle.  Louis didn't wait around long.


  • I am finding this site has almost ground to a halt.   Waiting more than 5 minutes for every page to load.  

    Will try and post these - Can't be my computer as no other site is acting like this :-( 

    I looked in around 06.15 and Aila was food calling

    Louis arrived around 06.20 and did some stick re-arranging, Aila still calling - then he leaves

    Comes back again around 06.40-45 ish she is still calling and he is standing looking all around :-) 

    Hopefully this time he will come back with a fish


  • Hi Mary. It's the same for me. I'm not even going to try to post a snap as I know I'll get the timeout 'error' message.
    When I looked in at the nest 5 minutes ago they were tucking into fish - orangey trout or salmon

  • The two bobs had a bonk while Aila was gone, then she returned and nestorised, tripping and staggering all over the place:

    I'm off now and will leave you all to struggle on, hoping the site will have recovered by the time I resurface.


  • Thank you for persevering, MARY - I especially love the snap of Aila calling :)


  • 11.45, Louis & Aila both on the nest alarm calling at an intruder, the intruder flew past the right side of the nest, identification not possible but looked like an osprey. Louis flew off but not (I think) in pursuit. Ian
    EDIT - on slow mo, was definitely an osprey.

  • 12.00, Aila still bothered by something. Ian
    12.20, eventually Aila glides off the nest, I assume because there is no longer any danger. Ian
    Wrong, she came back alarm calling, went to the camera top, back to the nest then flew after another osprey.
  • Amidst all the commotion of the intruder Louis flies in with a branch and lands on one of the bobs.  Retaliation is quick with a good pecking for Louis.

    I love the look on his face

    © The Woodland Trust

    Richard B