Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 May 2019

HAPPY NEW WEEK! I hope everyone has a wonderful week! I’m taking a short break from work to say hello to you all and tell you about my new friend.

Every summer, I seem to have one animal who chooses to stay close to my house and keep me company. Last year, it was the little yearling white-tailed deer. This year, it’s an enormous groundhog! He’s made a burrow underneath the fallen apple tree next to my bedroom window, and he’s been spending his days puttering around my front porch, eating the weeds that I’ve allowed to grow.

He’s a formidable critter. A couple of decades ago, we had a huge groundhog on this land. My Mom named him “Bear,” because he was nearly as large as a bear cub. The current resident groundhog must be Bear’s descendent, because he’s a big fella! He has immense teeth (I think he’s fairly old) and long, thick claws. Despite his scary appearance, he’s been friendly to me. Groundhogs generally avoid people and can be hostile to humans if they feel crowded or cornered, but Bear II makes no effort to leave when I go outdoors. When I talk to him, he tilts his head like a dog and stares at me with interest. LOL He makes me laugh, waddling around the yard.

I didn’t try to photograph him, because I read that mobile phones and other devices emit electromagnetic fields that some animals, including groundhogs, can hear (or feel?). He looks like the one in this photo, though.

Groundhog, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
NPS photo labeled “Public domain” (copyright free)

  • Hello all-
    I hope that DIANE and BJANE ( and DIANES house) have been OK in the forecasted terrible weather.

    LYNETTE As a non driver, I have to sometimes use taxis.All our local taxis use meters and the amount charged varies considerably depending on the traffic on the road at the time, the tariff in operation ( cost is more evenings and weekends).

    LINDY- house prices sound awful! I guess that it is difficult for youngsters to get on the housing ladder, where you live! I remember when lots of folk cashed in and came to the Highlands where they could buy cheaply. Things may be a little different now. Another reason was when university became free for residents in Scotland. Plus free prescriptions for all and free eye tests, also a proportion of personal care paid for. Again, my info may be out of date. I think we pay a little more income tax here.

  • Back from the surgery now so a quick visit here. Verdict – BIN THE STATINS and hospital visit cancelled. Just keep on going as I am. VERY happy bunny.
  • That is wonderful news, FB ! You must feel so relieved....
  • Brilliant news, FB!! - you must feel like celebrating!
  • I forgot to do my "first thing" post again today. I did look in and read the overnight posts, but then rushed off to get started on the day, as much housework to get through today.

    Heather, it's hard to buy something for an event like that, I know. It annoys me that if I get something trendy, it's five years before I dig it out of the wardrobe again, then it's out of fashion! I try to go for classic styles now but I do like fashion. I see that cotton dresses, often floral designs, are back again after years of things being relatively plain. Must say I like the geometric prints best, rather than too many roses!
  • Yesterday after all the rain, I looked around the corner at my poppies, and found that several new buds had opened:

    This is a group of five, all huddling together underneath my bird bath, as although we had tied string around the plants, they had continued to grow upwards and then fallen over on their long stems. Since the photo I have tied them up again!   You can also see part of my finger as I was struggling to take a pic with this tablet!

    There is a new poppy out underneath some of my aliums, a very pretty pink which this pic does not do justice to:

     - - - You get to see even more of me in that one!

  • Hi! Something I forgot to mention yesterday was that OH visited the Tip! This is important because now the garage is less cluttered with accumulated junk, and with the weather a bit cooler than it has been, he can at last defrost and clean the chest freezer and check the inventory. There is no room for me there, so he intends to use the intercom function on our phones to tell me what items there are and I shall tick them off as he puts them back! Will this work? We shall see!

    LINDA – I read your description of the 3 bedroomed house – think you must have been here! When we moved, we wanted a place for two, and chose the two bedrooms and one study option for furnishing this bungalow. Then J bounced back home in 2011 and occupied the second bedroom – actually as big as ours but without the ensuite. None of the bedrooms have much space – one wardrobe built into each, so the study now doubles up as a “dressing room” for OH! At least the lounge is a big one, and we do have a separate dining room and a good-sized kitchen. Those two are sort of open plan, in that there is a wall between which has storage on both sides, with a way through on each end which allows us a circulatory system so we don’t bump into each other – so long as we all go clockwise! Lovely poppy and finger(!) pictures! The ones under the birdbath are a lovely colour.

    HEATHER – I hope you will soon find the trousers you are seeking for the christening – at least you don’t have to shorten yours to wear them! I object to paying for the amount I have to cut off even short-fit trousers! I think the extra bit of tax in Scotland is only paid above a certain threshold. I just got our council tax reviewed – if you have a room for the use of a disabled person and with adaptations, you can have the C Tax reduced by one band value. I applied re the wetroom, saying it became essential last year, but they actually backdated the refund to 2010!

    ANNETTE – our girls had the luxury of a playroom for a while, but I objected to having to keep it tidy, so we had another baby and they lost the room!

    LYNETTE – I thought it normal (and reasonable) for a taxi driver to charge more in the evening than earlier in the day!

    PAT – re clothes – I just have to wear anything I can find that actually fits me, and often end up choosing one item and buying it in several colours.

    FB – so pleased to read your good news!

    OH ready for help now, so must go and do the inventory – hope there are no nasty surprises lurking at the bottom of the freezer!
  • FOREST BOAR. That is good news.
  • LINDY We just had a toy box!!!!

    We were out at Rocpool yesterday evening with friends who have been holidaying in Scotland. It was a lovely evening so we took them down to Dores for a great view of Loch Ness. They popped in here this morning for tea and shortbread before driving down to Hawick and stopping the night before heading home to Cirencester. We told them they must have a browse at Bruar. They are friends from RAF days and it was great to catch up with them.

    No change with Mum. My bro spent all day at the care home yesterday and the same today I would think. He has again said not to go down. It is just a waiting game for us now.
  • Lindybird: If you click on the picture, it opens it in its own window and  you get a better view of the pink one.  (But you also lose anything you've typed).  Love the finger!  Peonies are in our local shops - $14.99 for half a dozen at Gelson's (gasp) and "only" $7.99 for the same at Trader Joe's.   I do believe they're from Washington State.

    Forestboar:  A happy resolution to your questions.  :-)

    OG: That's a pretty drastic remedy for avoiding tidying up a playroom!  :-)    I tend to do the same thing with clothes - if it fits, buy it in white and any other color that doesn't make me look like a bowl of porridge.   Had to smile at vision of you, EE and J your traffic pattern.

    Have to go - watching Bob Mueller speak on the Russia investigation - for the first time!