Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 May 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • We spent a few hours at Brodie yesterday. I had a delish salad for lunch and OH macaroni cheese. I bought a t shirt top and OH a shirt. While we were there OH got a call from Brother to say Mum had taken a turn for the worse. His advice was prepare for the worst but don't bother to come all this way to see her. We half expected a calll overnight but none came.
  • So sorry you've had bad news, dibnlib. Your brother may well be right, as there might be nothing you can do.
  • I'm sorry, DIBNLIB - Will be thinking of you x
  • Still a sunny day here: just washing some cushion covers before the rain comes, this weekend.

    Went to see sis in law and we chatted whilst my OH got on with altering her garage tap so that she can get a hose on it to wash the car and hose down the driveway. She was very pleased with the shoes, 4 pairs, and three of them have high heels or wedges so she will pass them on as she doesn't wear anything but flats now. Put my other shoes back in the bottom of the cupboard and sadly, there don't seem to be any less even with 5 pairs missing (one pair of sandals I'd had so long that the heels fell off!)

    OG - I forgot to say, my Friend Gs OH very sensibly is not talking about moving, at least not yet. It can be a big mistake to make any sudden decisions after a bereavement, and of course he has made many friends and neighbours since moving there nearly 20 years ago. He probably will go to be nearer his daughter & her OH one day.

    When we got home this lunchtime, one of my bird feeders was missing. It was laying broken amongst the flowers in the border. Either a rat(!) or perhaps a magpie had forced off the plastic lid and broken it.
  • Morning all:  Brilliant sunshine here and it's warm too.

    Lindybird:  Wonder what future archaeologists will make of all the preserved bits and pieces when they come to excavate our homes.  I counted at least 10 huge ring-necked doves   I swear they're as big as small chickens!) on and around our two feeders the other day.  They organize themselves two at a time on each feeder to balance it but in the process of landing they manage to spill seeds everywhere. Even the crows are wary of them; the smaller birds just wait around until they've gone.  The doves are very skittish and when they take off en masse it sounds like a ship's sails flapping in the wind. Apropos of critters, I noticed our squirrel grabbing protea flowers off the bush and eating the bottoms of the blooms.   Grrr.

    dibnlib: Good advice from your brother re your Mom.  Let us know how she's doing.

    Off to gym this morning, then maybe garden work this pm...   Take care everyone.

  • LINDY - you are right about G's OH. Big decisions should never be made so soon.
    I've thought about moving from this house but will wait until I know for sure that I'd be making decisions for the right reasons.

    The weather has been better, today. No rain! I've done more weeding and emptied three bags of compost on to the remaining border at the front. Gosh, it will take at least another nine or ten bags... I will have to wait for one of the family to go with me to the garden centre.

    Sorry not more replies - I'll catch up at some point.

    Regards to all. For some reason FORESTBOAR came to mind this morning. I hope he and family are all OK.

  • Just read that Theresa May is stepping down. Not a surprise. Just saw the list of possible replacements. No comment. Good luck all.
  • Help! I dread the thought of the leaders of USA and UK in the future. Where are we going???
  • I wrote a reply to Annette and to others, half an hour ago. It then refused to post it. Wah!

    I am now in the middle of cooking dinner.
  • Now I'll have another go at my post:

    Good Luck indeed, Annette: we're going to need it. Besides which, the hoo ha of the fuss about electing a new party leader will hold things up, yet again. When are we ever going to get back to whatever "normal" is??

    Heather, well done on tackling the garden chores, it can be time consuming. Put your feet up tonight and pat yourself on the back. If doing both things together don't make you fall off your chair, that is!

    Wonder if ForestBoar and family are all OK? Hope all is well with them.