Hi everyone, its been a day of contrasts.
Lots of comings and goings , fish deliveries, snatching one from the other etc, and quiet times on the nest as is now. We are obviously going to have ENS more often than not now that all three are exploring the area and finding new places to roost.
I believe 6 fish were brought in yesterday and all had a share of the feasts.
EJ and Odin doing magnificent work in bringing in the fish. The youngsters between them , demolishing them.
Don't know what the viewing will be like overnight but good luck, night shift, hope you get some movement on the nest.
Take care all, happy viewing!! and see you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Poor EJ trying to please everyone and getting an ear bashing from No 3 I think. Bet she will be glad to get back to Africa !!
So, Djoan - Sandy ( and all) - is it Yongest (who has at least had a fish dibs recently) left out. Middle juve was ranting for a long while and got EJ's fish only cos Eldest was already engaged in eating a fish.
I'm part of the HGAC club Cirrus - can't help you there ... but I think they have all eaten recently!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Fair enough DJoan; I'm hoping for another fish before Scottish night fall.
I'm off now ... but I do hope that whichever one is watching gets some leftovers from one of the fish! 'See' you all tomorrow.
Just logged on to catch up which I will do so in a minute or two
Notice there are 3 juves on the nest , two eating fish and one left out.
Night vision on.
In comes EJ and tried to get a fish off one to feed the one without but was told in no uncertain terms , NO. Of she went again.
The one who was shouting for some has managed to get a piece off the one on theleft.
SO - I got my fish and 3 is eating ! who brought it in ?????? ER I mean WISH (Freudian slip there :) )
EDIT OK Lynette - that's why I thought another fish had been brought in . Thanks for that.
And 'Goodnight' Djoan
Looks like the 'Beak cleaner' has left some which 3 is finishing