Hi everyone, its been a day of contrasts.
Lots of comings and goings , fish deliveries, snatching one from the other etc, and quiet times on the nest as is now. We are obviously going to have ENS more often than not now that all three are exploring the area and finding new places to roost.
I believe 6 fish were brought in yesterday and all had a share of the feasts.
EJ and Odin doing magnificent work in bringing in the fish. The youngsters between them , demolishing them.
Don't know what the viewing will be like overnight but good luck, night shift, hope you get some movement on the nest.
Take care all, happy viewing!! and see you in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
It was Eldest and Middle juve (as Alan''s pic shows) on the nest when Odin arrived with a fish. Eldest ate it. Middle juve has been complaning ever since. A juve is on the nest post - not sure who - doesn't really sound like Eldest .
EDIT Odin's visit with SMALL fish was a wlhile ago now. I was hoping EJ would have put in a visit with a whale - but not so yet.
One laying on the nest ( Looks like middle) and one very near the nest are " loudly" calling for a fish.
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Tonight's whale has just arrived.
Terry in Cumbria
Odin with another tiddler - all three descend on the nest - Youngest get it .
EJ brings her whale! One grabs it ... all three young ones on the nest ...EJ departs and leaves them to it! Last young one to arrive nearly landed on the others!!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
All three juves flew in, one is hogging the whale (Eldest I assume) others just watching. EJ flew off.
Oh Terry - I disagree with you .That was Odin - 3 has it and I am desperately hoping for a visit from EJ with the afore mentioned whale. :(
Looks like a pretty big fish to me ... and I thought it was EJ too!
OK - please show me the fish someone - I'll HAPPILY concede I was wrong .PLEASE
OK OK OK I WAS WRONG YIPEE - SORRY FANS i JUST GOT a look at the fish. It WAS EJ and even though the fish is being hogged by one GEM they will surely all get their share. :)