Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 May 2019


I hope everyone has a great week! 

The full "flower" moon is next Saturday (the 18th)!

Still relentlessly raining here...

  • You are so right, DIANE. I start to think logically and then everything goes haywire.
    I'm sending my very best thoughts and wishes for your project.
  • ANNETTE - J's birthday is his 40th and he's never had a big party, so we decided to organise something while we are all around to enjoy it - also a way to get both his sisters here together! It's not till end of next month, but I will need to give definite numbers to the hotel.

    HEATHER - sorry about the kinky hose!

    DIANE - I do hope you can stop fretting, concentrate your mind and get that project done on time - have you thought about dividing it up into little daily tasks, and include some "days off" so that it is less overwhelming?

    OH is outside again this evening - strimming and trimming around the lawns.
  • DIANE - I'm sure you'll be up to the job, and will get it all done efficiently. Good Luck and HUGS from me!!

    OG - What fun to organise a 'Bit of a Do' for J. Hope you can persuade everyone to attend, and you all have some good Family Time.

    Sunshine pretty much all day, here, and we had our walk although we were a little later than intended as I not only overslept, but needed to wash my hair too before we set off. Sat outside after our bit of lunch, and remarked that it was early in the year for so much sunbathing! Our next door neighbours went home, quite jealous as they had to leave.

    When I found the package of net curtains, I managed a few swearywords. However, there was time to clean the window and hang one of them this morning. It looks smart, but on going outside to see the effect, I was fairly horrified to see that it now looks a brilliant white next to the two bedroom windows alongside!! I may have to change them, too, as they look so dingy.

    My OH doesn't know where he caught his cold, but I daresay it could have been at golf. No sign of my having caught it, yet: fingers crossed!!
  • HEATHER - I frequently find I struggle with things I would have breezed through once. Don't beat yourself up.

    DIANE - Love your Facebook post!
  • HEATHER, when you said yesterday something about not being dressed for gardening, it reminded me about a poem I wrote a few years ago entitled "I'm Gardening in Slippers Again....." -- I would love to put it on here to cheer you up, but I don't want it to be copied by anyone. You get the gist, I go out to hang the laundry or to feed the birds, and next thing I know half an hour has passed, I'm clutching a fistful of weeds and my slippers are damp!

  • HeatherB - good for you. You don't want to get in a rut. Just keep on moaning and groaning and letting off steam, it does one good. I, too, have not much to say but it is always great to hear what you have all been up to with me putting in my pennyworth now and again.;
    Good to hear son's shop is picking up a bit, may it continue.
    Weather down here has been glorious, put washing and bedding out to dry and all done.

    Oh, forgot to say, thank you Diane for starting the week off. Do hope the rain has subsided and that you are not flooded.

    Understand it was International Mothers Day yesterday, whereas Britain's was in March, so Happy Day to all mums.

    AQ - hope all is well with you. Never tried yoga.

    Lovely day yesterday, did a full roast as most Sunday's I do. OH prefers English food, meat and veg whereas myself and dau don't mind pasta or rice dishes so we have them in the week.
  • dibnlib - sound like you had a lovely walk and enjoyed a picnic lunch. Glad to see you have an appt for your 2nd cataract op. I am still waiting to get an appointment and will be ringing up at the end of the month if nothing heard. Was referred to by my optromotist back in Feb.

    Looks as though you have been busy, OG. Glad to hear the shower room is finished.

    Don't beat yourself up Heather, these things happen. Sometimes it is the simplest thing to put right but we don't always see it until someone else looks at the problem or in your case, goes through it with you on the phone. Walla, problem solved!!
  • That's lovely OG. I remember saying to my Dau a few years ago that I had never had a b.party when growing up so she arranged one at a local pub for my 65th - lovely event. I'm sure J will enjoy his.

    I'm often in my slippers, Lindy, putting the washing out or looking around the garden knowing it was a good overhaul but until we have the money to do it , it has to wait. Don't much like gardening. OH just about manages the lawns in stages as his legs are bad. We plod on.
  • Evening all:  What a lot of chat on here today.

    Diane: Is this that huge project that was late in arriving a few months back?  Are you editing or also rewriting someone else's work?   If it's the folks who you already worked for, they already know you're reliable and capable - so take heart.  I know your projects are fact-heavy (whereas my freelance gig is pure blather).  OG's advice to possibly divide it into bite-sized pieces is good if it's that kind of job.  

    OG: Brilliant - a birthday party for J and with both sisters coming.  When is it?

    Lindybird: I don't garden in slippers.  My thing is to wear my "good" gym shoes instead of the tatty old ones that I keep in the garage especially for the garden. I'm always spotting something that needs a quick trim, etc., and two hours later I come in the house with mud and dirt all over the nice ones.  In fact, I seem to have more tatty old gardening clothes than anything else right now.   Let's hope the curtain monitor doesn't make the rounds before you replace the others.

    dibnlib: Seven miles is a lot.  Do you have some kind of support or cushioning for your heels?  When's the eye appt?

    I went with OH to Costco today. He finally decided to have a hearing test (does that mean I may soon stop having to repeat myself?).  I picked up some basics, then, when I was waiting outside near the food court a bird landed on my head.  I mean, I know my hair is a mess, but really!  There was this sudden scrabbling on my scalp and then it took off.  Not sure who was more surprised, but it gave a couple of people near me a good laugh.  I also had a chat with an older German lady who was handing out food samples and we had a good moan about The Orange Menace and then Brexit.  Lots of eye-rolling involved.  She was kidding (I think) about walking to Canada and claiming political asylum at the border.

    Have a good Tuesday all.