DAILY UPDATES - Loch Garten nest - MAY 2019

The silence is deafening, not least because we haven't even had sound* for a week or two, let alone an osprey on the nest.

*This is to reduce demand on the bandwidth, along with turning off the Feeder cam stream.  It seems that the reason for the reduced bandwidth cannot yet be fathomed.

But who knows what the month of May will bring?  First-time returners are due and there are reports of ospreys flying up thru the country.  Hang in here, everyone!

Carnyx Channel page ~ click LIVE NOW

But it hasn't always been so live:

Then back:

  • I was so excited to see so many pages to catch up on - then it turned out that people being very kind about me were largely responsible!  Thank you everyone, you know I do my best but have been fighting a losing battle since the broadband "issue".



    I can't use the Carnyx site's cam because it is "click-to-play", meaning that when my auto-refresher kicks in the cam will stay on the Carnyx image, the cam won't start playing again until the Play arrow is clicked.  And I have to use the auto-refresher to recover from "normal" outages and buffers when the cam is unattended (meaning when I'm not watching).

    I go to Carnyx's channel on YouTube and select the LIVE NOW Loch Garten link... when it's there! Years ago I was given a direct link to Carnyx's source stream which didn't require click-to-play but that doesn't work any more.

    Thing is, my cam has to play all the time, and others who pop in and load it "on demand" may not appreciate my suffering ;-D


    Now I've got to earn my keep!

    STEVEMAC - I proudly pronounce your little bird to be a Stonechat :)))  (Don't all bow at once!)

    It was there for nearly 3 minutes, it gave us a back-pattern view, and just afterwards a pale LBJ turned up to stayed too far away for a snap.


    JANE - your pair of Crossbills  but earlier!


    Your own snap wouldn't enlarge for me (in Firefox, anyway) I just got a big dark screen.  So I did a close-up when I found them at the right time:


    Back again, looking for a late lunch!

    The shadow tells me that the cam is on time:


    NIGHTCAM 21:47


    I'm thinking of you as I post these snaps, BIRDSONG ;-)))  They're all supposed to be civilised sizes.


  • The cam went down, both YouTube and Carnyx's own site - but it's just come back up again.

    EDIT - I see that I said last night that the cam rebooted itself at about 02:30.  Must check if that's going to be a regular thing.


    The cam started buffering:

    I didn't notice for a few minutes and when I refreshed it was already daycam:

  • Mike B said:
    Familiar Mary for various reasons! but it is now FIVE years old!
    Where has the time gone?

    Amazing 5 years already, it feels like yesterday since you posted it.   

    Think we need a new upgraded version, as I know Scylla has added a few more screens to her MC Grinning

  • Good morning everyone and thank you Scylla for everything but especially the Crossbills, I so hope I see them in the feather in June when I visit.
  • Look what I found in my 2014 Folder SCYLLA - this was for your 10,000 Youtube Uploads...

    So I did a bit of digging and now find these stats!!!! 

    You have doubled your uploads in 5 years - it must be a good feeling knowing you are leaving your mark on this world GrinningThumbsup

    and WOW over 2 million views

    I think we were very very lucky when you joined the Loch Garten Community back in 2011 and as they say the rest is history Grinning

    EDIT: Now don't you be blushing LOL....

  • Not logged on since Friday - always hoping a few days might have led to a change in firtune.

    On another note I think the Siskin reported on Sunday was a female Crossbill, the bill looks too big for a siskin.
  • Blue tit paying a fleeting visit.

  • MaryGK said:
    I think we were very very lucky when you joined the Loch Garten Community back in 2011 and as they say the rest is history 

    I wholeheartedly agree Mary. And I love the certificate!