LOCH ARKAIG (c)The Woodland Trust - MAY 2019

Serene at this moment ;)

  • Louis just tucked himself more firmly onto the eggs, Aila is fidgeting with mini-sticks...

  • CATCHUP - from where MARY left off.

    A look, and Louis flies:

    A gust of wind blew the green furry stick over to Aila's side:

    Eventually she put it back where (she thought, but we might not) it belonged:

    FISH !!!

    Aila's getting good now :)

    The weather had closed in by the time Aila returned with an indistinct footful:

    Thanks, Aila, this turned out much better for us :)

    In motion, the trail from Louis's feet looked more like water than nest debris:

    Aila got some tiny dozes thru her shift:

    Louis flies in to relieve with a small something:

    Aila was gratefully away:

    Aila seemed to land on Louis's head (but I don't think she did, I think he just ducked) when she returned with a piece of bark:

    She put the piece of bark right next to her eggs:

    And enjoyed the company of the fuzzy stick:

    FISH !!!

    Aila came back with a very large piece of bark:

    She put it on Louis's back, and he soon took the hint:

    Then the fly-by and landing of Louis with the bit leafy twiggy stick which he dumped beside Aila:

    There was a big buffer so a changeover was lost.

     Louis moved the twiggy leafy stick with his tail when he turned the eggs:

    it stayed upright, forming a bit of a cot-rail, CIRRUS ;)

    Aila "beat" Louis with a tiny stick:

    And shifted the green leafy stick:

    It took a while before Louis upped and flew:

    No supper for Aila ;'(  but she does seem to be having a peaceful evening so far :-*

  • Aila asleep - a sight for sore eyes :-*

  • You missed the Owl?? disturbance about 11-20PM sylla.....
    Pics to follow...but you may want to do a vid scylla....PLEASE, nicely :)

  • ahhh. Love this pic! Thanks Scylla.
  • Thanks Trying. Will scroll back now and hope to find it. That pesky owl is becoming a nuisance.
  • Aila rose slowly and had a poop over the side, settled back on eggs. No alarms so far :)

    Well, TRYING, I will not attempt to hide my blushes - did I miss an hour?!  Off I go...

  • No, I didn't miss an hour - the owl attack occurred while I wasn't watching and when I returned I gratefully snapped Aila resting peacefully, but if I'd continued the catchup it would have been seen in the next hour.  (One has to explain, of course.)

    All over in a flash, but poor Aila took so long to settle down afterwards.  However - she's still there, there was no suggestion that she might flee :-*


    Does the preview thumbnail betray it as a Tawny?

  • Thanks for the vid scylla :)

    There was a short call after the nocturnal attack...and it def sounded 'Tawny' to me....

    But who am I? ....certainly not someone who is that knowledgeable about bird calls.... but I still suspect 'Tawny' as I got use to one that spent a year in my part of the land, who I use to listen out for each night. Sadly...twas only to be for a year.