Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 April 2019


I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful spring week! 

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates the day. 

Photo: A Nene, also called a Hawaiian Goose, standing at the Kilauea Volcano's rim with a lava lake in the background. The Nene is the world's rarest goose and is exclusively found in the wild on the Hawaiian Islands. They are endangered.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
NPS Photo/Janice Wei, labeled "Public domain" (copyright free) 

  • Heather, you can buy Skechers from QVC, the TV show company, but you don't have to watch their shows, you can buy anything they have in stock, online. Just Google QVC.co.uk . (Make sure you don't get the USA version) They do charge postage, but if you don't like anything, for any reason whatsoever, you can return them for a refund. You can even wear them for a bit then say you don't like them. It's a bit like M&S, they have a policy of good customer service.
  • Heather: I've just sent you a private message about something health-related that you asked me about several months ago. Let me know if you can't access the message.
  • Morning all:

    Diane: I didn't watch the NRA thing; the clip of the cell phone being thrown was shown on one of the network news shows. According to the anchor, "The Secret Service assured us the President was never in any danger."   Dang!! :-)

    Heather/Lindybird: I saw some Hotter shoes when I was at Downtown near Grantham a few years back and really liked them. I didn't find anything that visit and somehow got the catalog for a couple of years but hate to buy shoes online (unless they're the same walking shoes I've been wearing for eons). I did buy a pair of stretchy, multicolored Skechers though that are more for casual short-term wear than serious walking. I need another pair of my walking shoes (my old ones end up being my gardening shoes too), a lighter-weight pair of something or others for zooming about, and a pair of comfortable sandals that don't look like I should be piloting an oil tanker into a berth (I mean those things that have huge black rubber tire/bumper protrusions at the toes). A first-world problem, so not complaining...

    Former colleague due here this morning for a cup of coffee. She was at Hearst Castle - 1.5 hours north of us - and is en route home to LA. Very gray here again.

  • DIANE - I couldn't read it on my tablet but have got it on my desktop pc! Thank you very much. I will read it shortly.
  • LINDY - thank you, I'll investigate the shoes. I've just finished the Eleanor Oliphant book. So not a lot achieved today in the way of housework. Does it matter? Absolutely not!! Basics done, other stuff can wait.
    It has been quite overcast today, not exactly cold but not warm, either! I put the heating on for a while.
    LYNETTE- I can quite appreciate that you enjoy time to do things while your OH does his cricket commentaries!
  • Pouring rain and quite cold here - we have the heating on. Been out to a garden centre, partly because I had a coupon for a "free Alpine plant" and we also fancied a cuppa, and a walk round. Bought two new tomato plants and two Alpines, then in the fuss of going to the till, I completely forgot the coupon for the free one! Swearywords rent the air as we drove home, and I realised what I had done. Or rather, hadn't.

    Annette: for serviceable sandals which don't wear out but don't look like bumper cars either, I go to Leisurewear places, the sort where they do walking boots and special trousers for hiking. Quite often they are the best kind of sandal because they have several adjustments both at the back and on the side, so you can get the perfect fit. There is nothing like wearing comfortable shoes!!

    Don't tell my OH, but I bought a pair of Skechers type pumps last week just because they were a nice red colour, and on special offer. However, when the arrived they were a size too small, drat! Now they'll have to go back. :-(
  • LINDYBIRD: I've done that - completely forgotten a coupon. So exasperating. Will you reorder those shoes in the correct size? I was just browing shoes online and saw what looked like a lovely pair of Mephistos - at $209!!! Splutter, choke...

    HEATHER: What did you think of the Oliphant book?
  • LINDY- what a nuisance about the coupon - I've done the same, more times than I will admit to...
    ANNETTE - I wanted to get to the end because of curiosity! And that is all I'm going to say :-)
  • Just a very quick reply with thanks for those concerned to know how I was. Been much better today - had a good night sleep and been able to move more easily. Also eyes are improving after the dryness of hay fever. Thank you. Other replies will have to wait till tomorrow!
  • Good that you feel improved, OG. Dry eyes are awful, too -- I've been suffering worse than I've ever done before, this week.
    Good news from me is that I feel enormously better, after taking a new hay fever remedy today - the very cheapest pills they had in Tesco! They are antihistamines, which of course I tried years ago but I was hoping that there had been an improvement in the formulation since then.