It may be too early to start this thread, and I find it very raw to talk about her, like many more do too, but someone said to me a few weeks ago "I don't think we are going to see EJ again.  Please do a fitting tribute to her" .



I think I can safely say there are many many hearts breaking at the non return of our beautiful EJ.  We will never know what happened to her but my heart thinks because of her last two disastrous seasons she has decided to stay in her wintering grounds (experts say no, but do get it wrong sometimes) although my head does tells me differently.

EJ had a harder than most "osprey life", her most settled and companionable years were probably with dear Odin.    

She was the most dedicated of mothers, I think she proved that wholeheartedly when covered in snow she would not leave her eggs, then again when only self preservation made her leave the nest during her last two seasons after being almost starved to death.    These are the sadder things that we do not really want to remember but they are the things that made EJ an Osprey above ALL OTHERS and the things that made her earn the respect of all Osprey followers.

It has broken my heart to do this video, but she so needs to be remembered.     

Please add your own memories of her, when you saw her for the first time, and all that she has meant to you over the years.

I do hope that the nest is occupied soon and that LG continues with many successful seasons, for me personally Loch Garten is EJ, there never will be another like her, she was simply "the best".....


  • You're welcome Lynette. We will never forget EJ, who was an osprey of special distinction.
  • I came upon this thread in unusual circumstances - me and my phablet and not another screen in sight - what a blessing.

    I was introduced to wildlife webcams via the Decorah Eagles in the snowy winter (over there) of 2010/11 and found it magical.  Then (how I wish I could remember who/how/when exactly) someone pointed me to Loch Garten and I met EJ and Odin and was captivated and captured, they would be my No1 Priority for the rest of my life.

    Thank you, Mary, for the wonderful tribute that only you could have produced to do justice to our precious, precious EJ - with your camera, your skill, your imagination and your devotion.  I am indebted to you, thru the tears.

  • The tears started rolling the second I read the title of this thread Beautiful, beautiful tribute MARY and what a gorgeous and ditting poem LINDY If you don't mind I will keep them both For myself, I do not have enough words to describe EJ and how I feel about her non-return I am howling She was beautiful, brave,fiesty, tender, one supreme osprey and oh! her wonderful relationship with dearest Odin Both legends that will live on in our hearts and minds forever Like many I picture her with her feet up in some cosy mangrove deciding " I have done my duty" Farewell you special, special bird ONE among many

    I had been watching the webcams on "Springwatch" and was so disappointed when they were switched off and somebody recommended LG My first glimpse was of the one and only EJ guarding Tore and Bynack and was captivated and these remarkable birds became a passion.

    Have so many memories of our Queen but one that I have treasured ever since was when poor Odin came back to the nest completely exhausted after chasing off yet more intruders and sank down onto the nest and EJ came over and stood with him whilst he recovered If you don't mind I will post the capture as my tribute to this never to be forgotten pair as I reach for yet another tissue  

  • Mary, Lindy, Patily, if it is okay with you all, I also would like to keep a copy of the video, poetry and picture, for precious memories.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:

    Mary, Lindy, Patily, if it is okay with you all, I also would like to keep a copy of the video, poetry and picture, for precious memories.


    You are more than welcome Catlady.     

    It is very courteous of you to ask - Thank You - Sadly courtesy is something of a rarity these days. :-( 

  • Thank you Mary. I know how much it must have taken for you to produce this but ,as ever, a fine tribute to an iconic lady.
    The shot of EJ on the dead tree looking at the VC reminded me of the still I sent to Margo's husband Chris on the day she died. It was probably the last image she saw.
  • EJ seemed drawn to Loch Garten even before she became the female in residence. On 26 March 2003 she arrived at Loch Garten and moved some sticks around. It was discovered that her own nest had blown down over the winter. Her nest was repaired and she returned to it.

    However later that year on 16th June EJ was back at Loch Garten She had been evicted from her nest by a female called Green 7B who just happened to be a daughter of Lady.

    The male at Loch Garten was now Henry (ochre HV) and him and EJ became a couple. It seemed that after two barren years Loch Garten could look forward to having chicks again.

    On 25th March 2004 EJ returned to Loch Garten followed two days later by a male that she allowed to mate with her. It was quickly realised that this was her ex-husband Orange VS

    So started a soap opera that lasted five years. Each year Orange VS would turn up and have a quick liaison with EJ before he was driven off by Henry or some other osprey.

    There were some memorable moments over the years. In 2005 Henry was late and there was a young imposter by the name of Red 8T who tried to remove eggs from the nest. It was quite amusing how Red 8T kicked the eggs to the rim of the nest and EJ would roll them back.

    A very dishevelled Henry turned up on 25th April 2005 and demonstrated how to kick eggs proper.

    EJ sulked and went missing for nine days. Henry had to go and get her.

    In 2008 Henry did not return and for one chaotic season Orange VS had EJ all to himself.

    On 3rd April 2009 a new male arrived at Loch Garten and he was named Odin. It seemed as if the bad old days of smashed eggs were over. Well no. Odin always arrived about a week after EJ and this was an opportunity for EJ to indulge her now legendary promiscuity.

    In 2012 EJ was at it again this time with Blue XD a male that nested not too far from Loch Garten. On 1st April 2012 EJ was enjoying being with her beau when Odin turned up. Something remarkable happened, EJ attacked Blue XD as if to say “He made me do it”. Anyway Blue XD was evicted but Odin was suspicious of the eggs laid by EJ even though he did not smash them. When history repeated itself in 2013 he did smash two eggs.

    EJ was one of the most amazing ospreys at brooding eggs and chicks. Her eggs used to hatch on 36 days whereas 37 is the norm. No one could have failed to be impressed by her tenacity in keeping eggs dry during the very wet spring of 2012.

    EJ was incredible at fishing and reliably caught monster fish. Her biggest error was not to go fishing on 16th June 2012. If she had done the youngest chick in the brood may have survived.

    There is another thing about EJ that bears mentioning. Just before she migrated at the end of the breeding season she usually treated each of the chicks to a fish supper. Then she was gone.

    EJ was a complex bird that had lots of fans. For sixteen summers she gave a lot of pleasure to many.
  • That is a lovely succinct history TIGER She was complex and one in a million For many, the feelings of loss of this remarkable lady are indescribable
  • Mary, thank you for this beautiful video, a most fitting tribute and something for us all to cherish and remember EJ. Also thanks to everyone for your memories.

    I first came across EJ in 2008. Here was a mother with three chicks, one of which was the "Wee Yin" and a mate that was not adequately providing for them. Any fish that was brought to the nest, she gave to her chicks only having the odd scraps herself. But she was a survivor and I remember the gasps when EJ threw away the rule book and went fishing returning with what we became to know as the EJ whoppers. What a banquet they had that night,

    That is how I remember EJ - a mother who would do anything for her young and proved that to us over and over again.

    EJ was special and will always have a place in our hearts. She will always be our "Flower of Scotland".
  • Oh Karen "Flower of Scotland" ------- yet more tears again!!!!  CrySob