Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 April 2019


I hope everyone has a joyful and peaceful week! 

  • Disciplined myself to stay indoors, so I finished typing the rotas and then typed up one piece for the newsletter, so I rewarded myself by sitting out at the top of the ramp and watching OH scarify and then mow the front grass!

    Real reason for this post, to bump us up again!
  • Morning all:

    OG: I suspect we'll be "bumping up" throughout the season. We have entered our May Gray period, with morning overcast from the marine layer and soft drizzle that is great for producing rust and mildew on roses, but at least we've only got one bush that's susceptible.

    Have been going through photos from Year Dot. I started scanning the images and some negatives as I went through the albums and was also culling photos (who?/what?/when?), then decided to go through the albums first and cull the bad pix before scanning. Then I realized I had two shoe boxes jammed with extra pix that didn't make it into the albums so went through those and matched them with those in the albums. Phew. Now I've got about 2 years of photos to go through that never made it into albums at all. So thankful digital came along and made it all so much easier. I did have CDs made during those pre-digital days, but my laptop doesn't have a CD drive so I may have to buy a separate one Never ends, does it? Then we got a free upgraded modem from our ISP, which means we should probably also go get a new wifi router.... not sure I have the energy at this point. I don't mind these kinds of projects, but OH gets very antsy if I start moving stuff on his desk and you have to be a contortionist to get behind his desk for all the connections. Meanwhile, I'd really rather be pulling weeds....
  • ANNETTE - you are so much like me when comparing desk work and garden work! But you are way ahead of us re sorting photos! We are doing it together but decided some time ago to start with what was already digital - disposing of out-of-focus images and any we don't want to keep, labelling the remainder in a consistent way and adding them to an archive on one of our expansion drives - well actually two because we keep a spare set in case of an accidental wipe! This means we still have to scan in six boxes of pre digital photos covering many years (some of them part of family history culled from our parents' albums and ancient aunts!