Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 April 2019


I hope everyone has a joyful and peaceful week! 

  • Annette: That's Springsteen's "Pete Seeger Sessions Band" -- his New Orleans band. Here's another of my favorites: 

    Eyes on the Prize

  • OG: I hope you all enjoy your lunch out!
  • ANNETTE - Aussies now call them crackers too. <sigh> In ye good old days when Aussieland had our own language we named them savoury biscuits. As for the hot x buns, no, they were from Baker's Delight who bake fresh daily. They use no preservatives in their bread - great for those allergic to same.

    Nasty hot wind this morn has brought on a niggling headache. Close to 34 C. Gimme cold weather.

  • Another lovely day - forecast 21 C later!

    Re crackers - yes, that is what they are called in the UK, but I do get cross about them being called crisp crackers on the box, when they turn out to be hard for my old teeth - why don't they use accurate vocabulary?

    Another gripe about labelling: what do they mean by "NEW Original" on so many packets?

    Enjoyed our Hot cross buns for breakfast - and we had some Mascarpone leftover from a pasta dish so spread that on them - sheer indulgence!
  • Enjoy your day, OG -- and your lunch out!

    Glorious here - we're off for a coastal walk in the sun.
  • LINDA - good to see you have the fine weather there - enjoy the walks and fresh air!

    Lunch was excellent, although I find the menu doesn't have mush simple food on it. Boys enjoyed massive beef burgers and all the trimmings. I had a lovely Greek Salad - a huge bowl full, but I ate most of it, and certainly made sure I cleared up all the feta and olives! They both had chocolate fondant with marmalade ice cream to follow - I just had a taste of OH's and didn't like it! We stopped at Gretna Gateway outlet village for a few things on the way home; it was very busy, although I am not sure people were spending much, but they were enjoying walking about in the sunshine, so there was quite a buzz. We called in at Pizza Express for a refreshing Affogato, so didn't eat much tea this evening.

    OH is now busy watering the garden once again - temp reached 22 today here.
  • Diane: I love that multi-instrument/talent kind of band - very loose and fun. Meanwhile, I've also downloaded some of the Motown hits from the old days. :-)

    AQ: I was browsing Baker's Delight - so many choices for Hot Cross Buns! A far cry from the ones we grew up in the UK.

    OG: Good luck with creative labeling on your crackers. I love to read menus in restaurants that, when you cut out all the adjectives, can be whittled down to "lettuce" and "eggs" etc. Marmalade Ice Cream? Wow, that sounds - different. And the Affogato (had to Google it) sounds wonderful. And Hot Cross buns and marscapone before you even left the house? Oh my. What a treat - and with sunshine too.

    So glad UK folks are having such nice weather. Hope it lasts through the weekend and beyond.

    Take care all.

    EDIT: I seem to have flagged my own post several times while trying to Bold names.  Oh well....

  • Had a relaxing day yesterday. But am streaming with hay fever today, so not functioning very well. Just put some spray up my nose, to get me through the day. :-(

    Hope all in the UK can enjoy this sunny weather.
  • Good morning - I think it's Saturday, but am very confused. If I have got it right, we have an appointment at the bank this morning!

    LINDA - hay fever is no joke - I have increased the antihistamines against the pollen and dust of this dry weather. But not complaining - an I refuse to stay indoors as some people recommend - need my vitamin D from the sunshine! Hope you have another good walk today.

    Bluebells are out now - I thought they came in May, usually. And the lovely Wood Anemones are still in bloom - in the "woodland area" under the Birch Tree the flowers don't fade so fast, being in semi-shade. Really enjoying that little patch this year.

    Need to get on with the church newsletter, and typing up the rotas for the man who oversees them.
  • Good morning, all!
    It was very warm here yesterday and I wasn't able to spend as much time at garden work as I wanted. I don't tolerate the warmer weather well. Then I thought about AQ ….
    Your day sounds good, OG. I had to Google the Affogato, also!

    Sorry, not much chat but hopefully will get my act together later!!