LOCH ARKAIG (c)The Woodland Trust - 04 April 2019...

The arrival of our couple, virtually together, was first snapped @ 19:12






Yikes !!!  I thought I must have missed it but it's all there waiting for attention :)))

Thank you, everyone, for the super captures and info :)

I can't believe they arrived together - but they did! ;-D

Three matings altogether, only the first successful, IMHO.  They were on the nest nearly 13 minutes, this is cut down to 5 but no significant activity missing - you know how they like to stand and (males) mantle and (females) look a bit nonplussed ;)



The first was the best ;)

He sat here for ages after his second nestcupping:


  • I just posted the following but it didn't appear :-/

    Louis brought in a long stick with lots of side twigs to be snapped off.  (((BlueXD))) would get it done in no time :-*

    (Or words to that effect.)

    Aila arrived and he's left her to it.  I'm otherwise engaged at the mo and will return to this later, probably after a long nap.


    Aila was on the nest, holding a fish when I turned it on.  She soon took off with it. ca 16.54

    Louis starting nest cupping, and moving the hard furniture

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Short vids

    Louis's long stick:

    Aila's second fish of the day:

    She returned @ 17:27, did not bring any back for Louis.

    Then a mating attempt interrupted by a buffer - it didn't look successful:

    They left shortly after that and were not seen again.

    This night-flyer is very similar to one I see a lot at Starr Ranch California, but not quite so elaborate:

  • Great quality of pictures from this webcam. Thanks for fish vid scylla
  • Great video of the fish SCYLLA Looked a good size and a perfect delivery and acceptance
    Currently ENS
  • Louis was on the nest before 5 o'clock !!!  Didn't stay long.

    Later Aila popped in for a minute or two:

    I'll have to catch up later with any subsequent events, haven't got the laptop out so am using it blind and can't stop the current hour to have a look at it.

  • There have been nest visits up to 08:21 - no fish but at least one successful mating.

    I'm off now, SYAL.
  • An update, without pictures.  

    10.20 Aila is currently on the nest alone, nestorising, nest cupping, moving material out of the cup, nibbling and breaking up smaller pieces.  Eggy??!!

    As I've said I'm not good at putting 'real' time to 'minus time past', but roughly Aila has been here more than not since Scylla reported up to 08.21.

    This continued, but with the addition of a visit by a lovely hooded crow when the nest was vacant.

    Louis brought in a thick stick, and Aila did a fly past before landing.  Louis mantled over his stick as she landed!  Louis flew off and also did a fly past leaving Aila to move said stick before he landed again.  Both were looking around - was the hoodie still around?

    Louis took off and did yet another flypast before landing on her back for an attempted mating.  She was slow to respond and then seemed to shoulder him off and he left.

    On return they were both moving sticks around.

    Louis left, followed a few minutes later by Aila.

    10.05 is Aila landed with a stick which she drops somewhat haphazzardly, and then starting moving other nesting material around, removing the from the cup, stopping to check around her.

    10.12 She flew off

    10.14 she returned with more moving of sticks from the cup, nibbling at smaller material to break it up.  I don't think I have noticed her nestorising so much before.

    10.26 Aila chipped and flew off

    Earlier, ca 09.00 ish, around about!  both nestorising

    10.33 now, after their joint work, and since 10.26 when Aila flew

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • FISH DELIVERY  11.27

    Aila landed, calling gently.  I think I heard skydance calls, but could have been mistaken.

    Louis landed, Aila immediately grabbed the fish, and will little hesitation she flew off.  Louis did a spot of nestcupping, tail in the air, dry stuff flying!

    Woops, couldn't find my snip - I'd saved it in the LG folder.  

    Aila is on the left covering the fish before she flew, Louis is retrieving his talons!!

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 11.44 Aila returned with the half eaten fish.  Louis grabs it , and mantles over it before flying off .

    Aila then did a spot of nestorising

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/