Volunteers needed to help with the community structure

I know many of you Ospreyholics never leave the Loch Garten Group so you may not have seen THIS. It's your chance to provide some input to the future of Community Forum.



My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi Tony and thank you for the publicity.

    It's the wrong time of year for me to commit, I'm very sorry! Beyond what anyone sees produced by me, there's chaos and research going on to keep all the tech going, and sheer panic at the build-up of emails and other routine stuff...

    I do hope others who aren't as self-inflictedly over-stretched as I am will partake.
  • Dan commented HERE

    "Just to confirm, invites have been sent through the forum, so those people will see notifications and also emails (assuming your settings are set to send emails when you get those kind of notifications).

    And yes to Bob, I've invited people who use the community in a range of ways - people who don't use the LG forum have been specifically chosen for that reason (although many are LG users of course). The aim is to get a handful of people who can represent a cross-section of forum users.

    And just to add, most people who I sent an invite to haven't yet accepted it, including some people on this thread saying they haven't been invited :) I can't get your feedback if you don't turn up to provide it, so please do check your notifications! I might wait until next week and then invite some others if spaces remain unclaimed, there are naturally people who did complete the survey who I haven't invited yet - and as I said in the survey post, thank you very much to all those people, it's much appreciated."


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  • MC. Be assured that some Ospreyholics have been enrolled so your interest will be safeguarded!
    I could have sent this by eMail but thought you'd rather know THIS year!! LOL