Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 March 2019


I hope everyone has a peaceful, happy week!

  • HEATHER – sorry you had a disappointing day – I hope today is better!

    LINDA – pleased the holiday was good enough for a repeat next year, and something to look forward to! Re the Brexit thing – I remained aloof for a long time, once we had lost the sensible option to stay in, then last week I decided to try to take an interest, but now B-!*%^&)?! And all the sweariest words I can think of!

    ANNETTE – there is apparently another surgeon at the hospital doing the surgery J will be having, as he was told there is an outside chance that he could be offered a cancellation. Part of the wait is the problem of not wanting to invest in an update to his lenses when they will need to be changed post-op! The stick-on prisms do affect his vision to some extent, so I did worry about his driving (no problem with that right now, till he reaches 12 months after his last “absence”). This has been dragging on two years so far! How wonderful to smell the true Orange blossom – but more oranges to pick later!

    AQ – sorry Nanny day was more difficult than last week – you can’t win them all! I agree about constitutionally setting a sensible margin for a vote, especially where constitutional change is involved. And the masses were lied to at the time of the referendum, so it should have been declared “null and void” anyway!

    The three of us enjoyed our trip out and lunch together yesterday, and also called in at another garden centre and found a water feature to both look good and provide splashing space for the birds. OH had put an old washing-up bowl where the old fountain had been, and Mr Blackbird was loving it, so I am sure he will approve of the new one! After going out four days running, my legs were rather bad last night, but they are already improving so I think they will be good enough – not going anywhere today or tomorrow.
  • Glad you enjoyed your trip out yesterday, OG. A new water feature! - the birds will be pleased.

    Sorry that J has had to put up with such a drawn out process to get his eyes "done". When the NHS does things properly, its wonderful, but probably due to the cuts, when there is a delay, it seems to get gummed up somewhere in the process.

    Sorry, had to laugh and re-read when you put "after going out four days running!!" which gave me quite a mental picture of you! -- Its how my mind works, I suppose! Seriously though, hope there is no lasting effect and you can enjoy going out once more, as you used to.

    The sunshine is glorious here and its a beautiful spring day. Hope other parts of the UK are also enjoying it.
  • Sorry, :LINDA, I meant four consecutive days! I think it will always be difficult getting into the car or onto the scooter, but the legs are improving today. Going into the garden now in the sunshine to watch OH Strimming! "Such fun", as Miranda would say!
  • Hope you're enjoying the sunshine, OG :-)
  • Heather: But you were the laundry fairy, right?

    Lindybird: You and I would do well on a trip in terms of organization. I even organize my closet at home in the same way. I have more gym and gardening (think old gym togs) clothes now than anything else and a notable  surfeit of tatty old t-shirts, which end up being cut into rags for dusting, cleaning, etc. Trouble there is that I do less and less dusting so that pile is now surplus to requirements.

    OG: Glad I'm sitting down - I didn't think you knew enough sweary words for Brexit. :-) Y  es, I suspect the orange harvest will be a bumper one - all the more for the neighbors and the Food Bank though. My OH commented yesterday that he never thought so many birds would visit our fountain when we first installed it - it's a major attraction and much more fun than watching the tele. Sounds like a nice day out for the three of you. Would it help to ring the eye folks every week to remind them you're waiting? Sometimes I wonder about those waiting lists..... 

    I have to jump in the shower and then hop in the car and head north today.  It's only a 4-5 hour drive and I'm stopping at grandson's workplace in Grover Beach for a quick minute en route. Home Sunday.   Our long-time friend from LA has changed her mind about going to Fresno for the memorial/celebration/fill-in-the-blank event for our friend's sister, which the rest of us find mystifying (and which I find exasperating) given that she had had more contact with said sister than the rest of us.  But there's nowt so queer as folk, right?  

    Take care all

  • Safe journey, ANNETTE.
    LINDY - will be remembering your friend G tomorrow.
  • Have a good journey, Annette.

    Thank you, Heather. It's the funeral of my dear friend tomorrow. Another, mutual friend has arrived today to stay with us, and will come with us to remember G. I am going to find it very hard. I will not be posting until afterwards.
  • Lovely to read all your news. Those of you going out and about, safe journeys.
    Those nannying or otherwise hope all goes well.
  • Lindy: My thoughts are with you on Friday. I will try to send you all the strength I can muster. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Be good to yourself.
  • Weatherman promised rain. We had just enough to make me move my washing into the garage . . . and then it stopped. I have dusted off travel bag, checked contents, prepared mud maps for towns we visit, left plenty of choice in freezer for OH’s meals. What he doesn’t eat, will be ready for next week’s lunch, etc. Bus leaves tomorrow morn 7.30 am, return Sun eve, then I am off to Murattis to meet friend on Monday – see you when I come down to earth!