WEEKLY CHAT (non osprey) SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2019


  • Diane: And I'm 7 hours behind the UK - at least until March 31. California voted to do away with Daylight Savings but Congress has to okay it and as someone noted, they seem to have other priorities.....

  • Annette - it was the second fundraising day I have done as you have to book them way in advance with the Coop head office. I hope to do more.

    It is the Rugby Six Nations tournament - England, Ireland Wales,, Scotland France and Italy - finished next Saturday and It could be won by England, Ireland or Wales at the points stand.

    Very sad about the Fair Isle Observatory - hopefully it will be rebuilt in due course.

    Have a good week all.
  • Thank you, MIKE. Yes, awful about the Observatory but thank goodness no life lost and Roy Dennis says they will rebuild. I wonder how the fire started, it is a relatively new building.

    HARELADY - I have been thinking about fundraising. OH and I were involved with a couple of charities and then gave up as he got unwell. There are often young people with buckets etc in my local Tesco on a Saturday, offering to pack bags. Last Saturday, however it was Marie Curie.

    OG - hope that you get out tomorrow, you must indeed have cabin fever.

    ANNETTE - I haven't looked back but I'm sure you said something about going away again? I'll scroll back later today when lolling about :-)

    I met eldest daughter and Katie in town yesterday, for lunch. I rarely leave home on Sundays so it was a novelty! Katie's ambition is to be a primary school teacher but she is terribly unhappy at school at the moment and has taken quite a lot of time off. It doesn't bode too well for the future, she is not quite seventeen. I'm worried about her.

    WENDY - I think you will have snow today?

    My friend in Wales (fractured pelvis) is beginning her fifth week in hospital. She has had some dreadfully disturbed nights lately, There are a few very confused and disorientated patients and of course this is always worse at night. I hope she gets home soon but as before, the problem is care at night. She still has to be assisted into bed keeping her legs together and like a lot of us -older - ladies, makes at least one bathroom visit at night. She will get another scan this week.

  • Morning all: Just spent 40 minutes on the phone with our internet/tv provider trying to figure out why a one-year guaranteed rate set in January has now gone up $20. Oh, says the guy in Customer Retention (ha!) it's because that deal expired. Huh? It only lasted one month? Well, that was for the internet, he says, not the TV service. So we watch about 13 channels out of a couple of hundred and I'm asking myself is all this really worth it? Life's too short to spend on the phone with these people. We don't "game" (how I hate that used as a verb - ugh!) so we dropped our internet speed 20 megabytes. If that doesn't change things, we'll take another look at the options. It's not that we can't afford the higher prices, but we simply don't think they're worth it. I'm to the point of tying a piece of wire to a coat hanger and hanging it on a picture rail. Grrrrr.

    Meanwhile, still feeling cranky about the time change and already tired by the fact that (yes Heather) I'm off to Arizona on Thursday; back next Tuesday (or Monday if I feel like braving LA traffic mid-Monday afternoon), then have a week at home before going to Fresno for friend's sister's memorial/celebration/gathering. Still, the good thing about driving at this time of year after such a lovely wet winter is that the desert east of LA and (especially) the hills en route to Fresno should be green (east) and laden with wildflowers (north). Oh and of course I will be seeing Ms. D. Granddaughter has, thank God, scaled back party plans from previous years and also has several days off before the party plus help from ex-husband's second wife (don't ask!). Sorry, I'm in an "oh for a peaceful life" frame of mind. Promise to be better by next post! :-)

  • AQ - I sometimes feel myself nodding off at times - oh dear, lol.
  • Just read about the Fair Isle fire. I think my dad stayed on Fair Isle many moons ago on one of his bird watching adventures. So sad, let's hope that it will be rebuilt.
  • We're in for another storm , "Gareth" hitting us tomorrow and Wednesday with lots of rain - the March winds doth blow.
  • LYNETTE - reminded me of this rhyme from childhood:
            "The cold wind doth blow and we shall have snow
           And what will the Robin do then, poor thing?
           He'll sit in the barn and keep himself warm -
           With his head tucked under his wing - poor thing!"
    (must be out of copyright as I am ancient and the rhyme is older still!)