2019 Lake District Osprey Projects - Bassenthwaite; Esthwaite Water; Foulshaw Moss NR & Roudsea Wood and Mosses NR

In the past a lot of the Lake District nests news appear on a thread entitled News from Other Nests, which includes non-UK nests.  I thought it would be easier to find the LD in one place, but if anyone feels this is wrong, or wants individual threads for the four nests - are there more - please let me know and I will either amend or delete.

In 2018 there were six reported nests, with 14 fledged chicks, including 'grandchicks', "the third generation since returning from extinction in 2001".

2018  Bassenthwaite   

31 March  'Bird at nest, unringed, believed to be male!'

?   Unringed pair on the nest

22 April   Believe White KL(09) f  (Loch Arkaig chick) will not return  -  she did not return

2 August   "Although we have no nesting pairs this year, there are signs we could have two nests next year at Lake Bassenthwaite!

Second nest?    "The site you are referring to was not knocked down, we monitored an osprey (Blue 2H(13)m  born in Kielder 2013) building it last year and after the heavy storms in early spring 2017 much of this nest was blown away, although the tree is still to this very day standing."   

"Kielder hatched Blue 2H(13)m returned spring 2018, he continued to build and add onto the very same tree, however he was also without a partner for much of the season so no breeding took place.  The tree itself is quite rotten and we fear unsafe for future use, a new nest platform will be erected in the same area before the next osprey breeding season in 2019 and we hope that it will be used by the birds instead."

2018 Esthwaite Water – three nests, two of which were occupied. 

Main nest pair:  Blue 7A(14) m  Ozzy  & Unringed f  Olive  

Chicks ringed 10 July  Blue 283(18) f;   Blue 284(18) m;  Blue 285(18) m

Another nest on private land:   Blue 292(18) m;  Blue 293(18) f;  Blue 294(18) m

2018 Roudsea Wood   Pair  White YC(08) m (Glaslyn chick) and unringed female

                Blue 280(18) m;                  Blue 281(18) f                 Blue 282(18) m

2018 Foulshaw Moss   Pair  Blue 35(10) f  (Splash)   and  White YW(08) m    Year 5 together, 14 chicks to 2018

Ringed 30 June 2018    Blue 5N(18) m;  Blue 7N(18) m  - thought to be male;   Blue 9N(18) f    NB 6N ring was broken on ringing day, so ring Blue 9N was used instead

Blue 7N(18) m was thought to have been seen in southern Spain November 2018

Job opportunity at Forestry Commission, Dodd Wood/Linwatter Pass for an Information Assistant (Osprey)

Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/