Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 January 2019


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Thanks, Heather :-)   Been feeling a bit sorry for myself, as my back tooth is still aching, on and off, and now my front tooth is sharp where there's a bit missing.  And....  I caught my forehead on the car door the other day, trying to extract some shopping from the back seat. I didn't exactly see stars, but had to sit down afterwards, and then had a sore head! - no one I know gets into such scrapes!

    This is nothing, I'm sure, compared to your annoying finger and hand problem. I know what you mean, when you're thwarted from writing what's on your mind, you can't remember all of it when you come back to write it later.

    I'm still cleaning out kitchen cupboards and spent a happy (not!) half hour sorting through a pile of shopping receipts which had accumulated, today. Threw out some old table mats, very satisfying ;-)

  • A few days less hot but I feel so flat & tired. For a change I had a good night’s sleep last night. I needed that before the next heatwave. School & kindy year starts today. The twins’ kindy days are Tues & Thurs, while Wednesday pm will still be busy with Miss7’s school pickup & girl guides delivery. No respite from nanny duty in foreseeable future.

    HEATHER - My tomatoes are small. Here is yesterday’s harvest with 2 from earlier days (with biro for size). I have to pick them yellow and allow to ripen indoors, else they are attacked by nasty burrowing things. As you can see they won't feed us long.

    LYNETTE - Fires in Tasmania were started by lightning in December, still out of control, some in inaccessible areas. In Victoria skycrane water bombers have been grounded after one crashed into a dam.

    LINDA – Ouch! I hope tooth & head repair soon. Good luck with kitchen cupboards. My motivation to clear out drawers of odd gadgets & recipes has stalled.

  • The Rainbow Lorikeets have been feasting on an uncaring neighbour’s peach tree as well as the Aussie native plants in our front garden. OH found one of their feathers. So delicate.

    Not like their language when I go near the peach tree. I’m sure they are using sweary words. This year they are too fast to capture with camera – here is one from years ago.

  • Gosh. Plant-eating birds, achy teeth and head and uncooperative little fingers.  What to do!  

    All okay here, though I fear (seriously) for Diane and bjane; their areas are in for some really terrible temperatures - Arctic in fact. Hope they are both safe and warm....   I gather the UK is in for some snow too; we're expecting more storms starting Thursday.

    Take care all

  • A smattering of snow last night as we went to bed, Annette, which is still there this morning. More snow predicted today, disruptive in the south.

    How beautiful is that feather, AQ - Thanks for posting. And the birds themselves are truly made of rainbows. I too hope that Diane and bjane can keep warm and cosy.

  • I am a Rainbow Lorikeet

    I'm all in colour, from head to neat feet

    My stripes are truly horizontal

    So bright, my beak is just an incidental.

    I'm much admired by all my friends

    And I have friendship which never ends

    Except for those with luscious peach trees

    Who say we're noisy -

    "Will you all shut up, please?!"

  • Love the poem LINDA. We have been wondering why this year's rainbow lorikeets are so aggressive. Maybe the hot weather? Speaking of which, tomorrow is fire ban day, 36 C. Just the day for nanny duty, not.

  • Just been back and changed one word of the poem, as wrote it in a hurry (as usual) this morning. 

    It's been trying to snow all afternoon after a very wet morning this morning: I drove to the dentist but as he has a tiny car park, I had to park 2 streets away. He mended my gap at the front, and said that I should "probably have that aching tooth out, as it will only flare up again" -- boo! He's left me to come to terms with the idea. I think he meant that if I said No, it would still cause me grief in the future, so I'll have to consider it. :-(

    I came away with a prescription for anti bio's, which should calm it down.  Got wet all over again, going to the chemist! (You can tell I'm grumpy today!)

  • Poem was good, LINDY! Sorry about the decision you must make regarding the tooth. Would the gap be visible?

    AQ - your poor tomatoes :-( I ended up making sauce for the freezer with small ones. I didn't grow any this year. No end in sight for Nanny duty, then. Somehow I escaped that because eldest daughter decided to be a child minder when Katie was little. 

    I hope that HARELADY is enjoying Up Helly Aa today. I believe that the weather is pretty grim up there.... 

    I've had a quiet houseworky day, must go out tomorrow and get cash for hairdresser. 

  • Heather:  The tooth which was chipped was right at the front, centre, so I was very glad that he could redo it for me. But the aching tooth is around to the side, and will only be visible if I smile widely, I think. I've been mulling it over and think I will have to go for extraction, otherwise its bound to flare up at a particularly inconvenient time.  Its not just vanity, although that comes into it, but I have several teeth missing at the back and it gets harder to eat hard things!

    I missed the Up Helly Aa as I've been busy otherwise, but saw some good pics of it on the BBCNews Site. I often pop into the Shetland webcam as its so interesting. I made a   h u g e  panful of Goulash and we ate a big portion each tonight, then I froze the rest for another time.

    I went on the main Site here today to try and enter my BirdWatch findings, but it won't let me! Whilst reading of other peoples complaints about the Site, I saw that folks have noted Limpy and Clare are not posting any more.... what a shame.