Hi everyone and a very warm welcome to all new bloggers and especially to Judy Teen, whom I didn't mean to be rude about but unfortunately it looked like it in an earlier post of mine yesterday.
Well what a day its been, first Titch looked like going then an intruder alert or something and he bottled it, then we were watching all afternoon and lo and behold when one isn't watching, HE GOES AND DOES IT - FLIES - Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. There are links on yesterdays blog for the lift of if anyone missed it.
What will today bring, will he get bolder and show his skills off - lets hope so. Such a precious moment when he did it and in fact when they all did it.
He is alone at present, on the nest. No doubt his siblings are around and probably roosting nearbye.
Over to the night shift and happy viewing. See you all in the morning.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
THANKS very much for all the reports and pics!! For those of use on a different time zone it is great that everyone posts what they saw. I was able to read a chronicle of the entire day that I missed . Much appreciated
I saw the calamity flight about at 11:30 Scotland time . However Carolyn on the main blog filled in what I couldn't see. When Titch over shot the nest on the right side he grabbed onto a branch and was hanging upside down for a time. He lost his grip and started falling to the ground but managed to right himself before he hit the ground. HE is a character!
It looks like he has had a "fun filled day" practicing he new found skill of flying. EJ has polished up on her ducking skills as he lands LOL
He will sleep soundly tonight !
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Odin brings a fish... half eaten by the looks of it... one of the chicks is making a hell of a noise
Looks like Odin arrived with a fish ... EJ appears to have flown in to claim it .... BUT ... one of the young ones grabbed it off her! The other young one on the nest is NOT pleased :-)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
one of those chicks is really throaty..
i think it has laryngitus
"Get off that fish ... its mine!"
3rd chick flies in now...
all after the same half a fish
who's get the fish does anyone know,will logging off shortly not feeling too good today,thanks alan for info about new blogg
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Alison W said: who's get the fish does anyone know,will logging off shortly not feeling too good today,thanks alan for info about new blogg
afaik it's titch with the fish...
he was on the nest when the fish came in, the other 2 flew in..
anyway, the chick with the fish was sitting on the nest when the fish came in, the other two wernt
C1's tactic seems to be to shout as loudly as possible in the ear of the chick eating the fish, so trying to take over. lol
Anyone get the idea Titch(?) wants a fish :)
He has been calling non-stop for ages . He will have no voice if this keeps up.
At one point EJ came to the nest to see if she could retrieve the fish from the Eldest (?) and feed the squawking chick , but he was having none of that .