Daily Update (LG Nest) Monday 19th July

  • night cam on and it looks like #2 has gone for a flyabout and Titch is home alone - but not for much longer?? he is looking like he might be off again ............................. 

  • Lindybird said:

    Many Thanks to Alan  for great video of Titch's first flight!  Well done Alan, & Well done, Titch!  at last....

    (so glad you saw it margobird as I know you have been glued to the sceen whenever you could manage it).

    Boo hoo hoo hoo - the link doesn't work    for me  - it's all singing by some fat guy  booo hoooooo Please would someone give me the correct link

  • Cirrus, the first posting on this blog worked for me (from the main blog) HTH??? xxx

  • Unknown said:

    Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you  and thank you Watcher 2

  • Okey dokey Ghengis - I'll have a re- run - many thanks

  • Unknown said:

    Many Thanks to Alan  for great video of Titch's first flight!  Well done Alan, & Well done, Titch!  at last....

    (so glad you saw it margobird as I know you have been glued to the sceen whenever you could manage it).

    Boo hoo hoo hoo - the link doesn't work    for me  - it's all singing by some fat guy  booo hoooooo Please would someone give me the correct link


    Jane, try this



  • Yes yes Gary  phttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xaj6uzyj0Ik 

    it worked - yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee    very many thanks.  But now the little soul is all by itself overnight on the nest for the first time.  Hope EJ comes and keeps it company .

    Great pics (we get so used to them don't we) - but I do appreciate them. Thank you all.

    And new fans posting over here  - hi all.  Watcher2 has been here before I think and Mr C  and Chrissy B. Newest I think is Judy. 

    We created this forum for zany people who wanted to call the Ospreys by 'pet names' and use :)   and lots of   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and so on  so do please enjoy yourselves.

  • awwww..... poor Titch is home alone ............ :-( 

  • Yes, he's all alone. Maybe the others will come in later but more likely they are roosting elsewhere.Its a bit dark but here he is the hero of the hour

  • bless, thanks Lynette. What a day he's had:)