Daily Update (LG Nest) Monday 19th July

Hi everyone, been a bit hit and miss yesterday.  Very windy conditions and the youngest almost made it but not quite.  I think 4 fish were delivered in total. The wind has died down now and there are two peaceful looking ospreys on the nest Eldest one is probably roosting nearbye.  Happy viewing to the night shift, see you all in the morning.

  • Yes yes Gary  phttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xaj6uzyj0Ik 

    it worked - yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee    very many thanks.  But now the little soul is all by itself overnight on the nest for the first time.  Hope EJ comes and keeps it company .

    Great pics (we get so used to them don't we) - but I do appreciate them. Thank you all.

    And new fans posting over here  - hi all.  Watcher2 has been here before I think and Mr C  and Chrissy B. Newest I think is Judy. 

    We created this forum for zany people who wanted to call the Ospreys by 'pet names' and use :)   and lots of   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and so on  so do please enjoy yourselves.

  • awwww..... poor Titch is home alone ............ :-( 

  • Yes, he's all alone. Maybe the others will come in later but more likely they are roosting elsewhere.Its a bit dark but here he is the hero of the hour

  • bless, thanks Lynette. What a day he's had:)