Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 December 2018

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon! I hope everyone who celebrates enjoys peaceful, joyful holidays!

  • Wishing one and all a Happy Christmas wherever you are however you celebrate it.

    Ours will be a quiet one just us and the 2 dogs. Duke has been with us over 10 months now and he has become a healthy happy boy. Daisy tolerates him but wasn’t too happy about sharing him with the youngest who was here for a week over her birthday. She flew back Christmas Eve to finish her last few shifts before moving on to a promotion with more responsibilities but she will be paid to further her qualifications at Uni at the companies expense.

    No chance of a white Christmas up here with plus temperatures.

    Christmas treeChristmas treeChristmas treeChristmas treeWink

  • And to think, AQ is probably relaxing after it all, UK folks are sitting down to eat, and we are just getting started....

  • We eat late Annette oven only just fired up meat in later Face palm tone1

  • For the first time in man y years I have spent Christmas Day with my family - sister, brother in law, niece and her 'man', and my little 2.5 year old great-nephew.  He has now been with them for just over six months, and totally made our Christmas Day.  Only one little teary bit, but the rest of the time he was happy, laughing and making us laugh.  What a joy to spend Christmas with a much loved and very loving child ... I can't remove the smile from my face yet!

  • That is wonderful, PAT and I'm not surprised that you are still smiling! What a treat.

    I'm chilling after a lovely afternoon and evening with some of the family. Tomorrow, 15 of us. So we ended earlier today, busy day tomorrow!!

  • PAT – My post appears first at the bottom of the list marked with a blue line, and then, after a while, takes its place up the top in the “newest” position. I think the blue line is supposed to indicate unread items. However as I only read every few days, there is a long list and I have to click “view more” once or twice to reach where I left off. By then the blue line has disappeared, even though I haven’t had time to read any. Apparently open on screen = read. Huh, Stupid upgrade.

    I was so weary by Ch-mas afternoon, last of 15 rellies left by 5.15 pm. S-i-l#1 washed up, others wiped, I tried to put away. After everyone had gone home, I found enough dishes & glasses lurking and the pots & pans I had stashed in laundry, enough for another wash. Too bad, they will keep, we had a scrappy tea, I watched TV & went to bed early, woke at midnight aching all over. I feel better this morn but still have to face that wash-up. OH despite not feeling the best lately, has restored furniture to usual arrangement. MissL fell asleep in father’s arms, MissJ had a tantrum as they were leaving, MissY (17 month g-niece) behaved, so shy, she was attached to one or other parent. MissS joined the “biggies” (our daus, nieces, spouses & older g-chn) in the traditional games. Not sure what game, sort of card/monopoly/somesuch. My disaster for the day was the choc cream pie. Freshly decorated with pretty design of whipped cream, somehow it slid off the tray, partly onto the bench. With 2 egg slices I managed to slither most of it onto a larger plate. It looked a mess, spread much wider than it should be, cream design mostly destroyed. Some on the bench salvaged. What dripped down onto floor discarded. However I managed to serve sort of presentable portions. They said it tasted great. Hm, this is not getting those dishes washed. I may be back later, maybe not, expecting 37 C and it will be too hot in computer room.

  • Hey, folks. On the main Community page, there's a new thread called: "Quick Question about Adopting a Child." The link in that original post looks highly suspicious to me, and I would guess that it's spam and probably malware. I recommend that you don't click on that link or engage with the person who posted it. I've reported it to the RSPB tech people.

  • Diane:  Thanks for the  heads up - just the question itself sounds odd.

    AQ:  Sorry about your chocolate pie - and those extra dishes.  Ugh. We were just 5 for dinner; grandson wasn't able to take the time from his job for the trip, but he's hoping to make it next weekend.  All went well though we were all tired by late afternoon so OH and I came back to the hotel.  He's reading and I'm watching Some Like it Hot for the 99th time.  We'll all get together again late tomorrow morning and I may spirit Ms. D off somewhere for an hour or three - maybe to a movie then we'll head home early Thursday morning.

    PatO;    It sounds as if you had a really special day with the family.  :-)    So am I reading things wrong or is your great-nephew adopted (given that he's 2.5 years old but has only been with them six months?)   Young kids really do make Christmas.  My great-granddaughter is 7 and couldn't wait to tell me that Santa had come a day early (she was at her Daddy's house the night before) and that a piece of his beard had come off while he was leaving via the chimney!  Even more exciting, it had cookie crumbs stuck in it!  (Here, the custom is to leave cookies and milk out for Santa on Christmas Eve  She'd apparently also left out some lettuce for the reindeer!)  Of course, Santa then came to her Mom's house (granddaughter) last night too and filled up with more milk and cookies there. 

    Heather:  OMG - that's a busy two days.  Don't know how you do it.

    No Boxing Day here - it'll be back to normal for most people tomorrow - a bit sad really.

  • ANNETTE – You’re watching “Some Like it Hot”? !!!!! So am I - the real thing. Temp almost 40 C by 3.30 pm, may yet go higher, so much for predicted 37. Neighbour’s Littlies (pre-schoolers) left a red bucket (water?) in their driveway and a chalked sign on road requesting FC to stop. In Aussieland Boxing Day is post-Ch-mas sales for clothes, manchester, electrical. Our state normally only allows city shops to open; for first time the suburban shops can join the frenzy. Opposed by unions & small shops. Reports that public have flocked to spend, spend, spend.