Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 November 2018

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week!

I chose a Kestrel for this week, because I know that OG likes them. :-)

American Kestrel
Gardiner Basin, Yellowstone National Park, USA
National Park Service, NPS/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Glad to see, Heron, I am not only one disgruntled. I became used to old system where page nos were displayed. It is Tues, page 3 will be latest. By Thurs page 6. If I didn’t check in until Fri or Sat, I knew to jump to page 6 (unless it was a particularly chatty week <grin>). Just showing my age, this resistance to change.

  • Perhaps it's my slow brain trying to take on the new look. I expect to see it the other way round.. to view the latest post, and see my response below it. 

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Sheila, if your brain is slow, then mine has come to a stop!!  As mentioned, I dread to think what will happen when EJ returns. I may have to rely on Facebook.....

    This whole thing is confusing, stupid and unworkable :-(

  • I've been trying to think of something to compare this mess to:  now it's come to me -- does anyone remember the wonderful sketch in the Two Ronnies show where they had Mastermind, and the subject of the questions was 'replying to the question before this one??!!!!!!"

  • A fantastic sketch, Lindybird Joy No matter how much its repeated, it remains hilarious. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Evening all: Poured with rain today - huge downpours that zoomed through in a matter of minutes too fast to do more damage in the burn areas. Went to auto mechanics not a minute too soon as the battery was failing and just a month before its warranty expired, so got a brand new one for free! Went tootling off down the highway (in the rain) and managed to score some good bargains.

    I feel I should apologize for the length of this post as it's probably going to have everyone scrolling for pages!!! :-(

    Heron: I like the sound of your mocha coffee (I'm sure it's got a really fancy name and costs a bundle at Starbucks).

    Diane: Well, who's to know what strange things will happen next Sunday when we start up!

    LIndybiird: Wind has been wild here today but tangerines are still on our tree (won't be ripe for another month!). It's not a famous one though. :-))

    AQ: We saw the split coverage of the fires and flooding on our TV a night or so ago.

    SheilaFE: Nice to see you. I do hope they'll reduce the white space between the lines - and I'm not so blind I need such large type (just a bit darker and smaller). Maybe they'll ask for our opinion again soon? (She muttered hopefully.)

  • Glad you got the car sorted, Annette. I put "our famous plum tree" because I seem to have mentioned it so often over the years! My OH is eating plum jam made from the heavy crop this year - I eat jam rarely so his stock lasts for ages.The wind has stopped here, now, and today we even have sun!

    Off to do battle with the pharmacy this morning as I'm on a couple of medications. We used to be given 2 months worth at a time which was great, but that was stopped in the name of preventing wastage. Since then I only seem to be able to get a supply for a month organised when I am just about to run out! Not very convenient when we're often away for the weekend, going to Wales or visiting family. I rang them yesterday and am going there today.

  • We came back yesterday after a 2 night break in our favourite hotel in Pitlochry.  Although it has new owners there was not much change apart from furnishings.  It is still family owned which is great.  We also enjoyed a performance of "The Wizard of Oz at the festival theatre.  Our plans went astray though. /We had hoped to see Mum in Linlithgow before returning to Pitlochry. We couldn't do that as the nursing home has been closed to visitors because of a sickness bug. We had also arranged to meet with friends from Fife in Pitlochry. They couldn't make it due to illness. Oh well, the best laid plans!!!!

  • I'm so sorry that you couldn't see your Mum, dibnlib.  And your friends were also sick. Anyway, glad that you enjoyed your break!

    LINDY  - Our old plum tree kept breaking, they don't live for ever, it seems. Good luck with getting your meds/prescription sorted!

    Well done, ANNETTE for getting the battery replaced at no cost. That sort of thing would make me happy, also.....

    The mocha coffee sounds good, Paul. I used to make a cake with coffee and chocolate. Those were the days. I do very little proper cooking and/or baking nowadays.

    Renewing my TV licence online was easy, this morning. Maybe a bit easier than this site:-)

    How do we send PMs?

  • I've just realised how to send messages....