WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018

Hey Everybody!  We're back.  :-)

  • Good Morning.  Or is it??  Find it depressing to come on here, and find I have to remember all the various ways to struggle to navigate. I wonder how many others have, like Annette, not noticed that there is a band saying "View More" which opens up lots of things you may have missed.

    Bird related news:  On my way to see my Friend G yesterday, I drive through lovely Cheshire countryside, which of course is still resplendent with golden leaves on some of the trees. A cock pheasant ran across the road in front of me, making the scene as good as a rural oil painting. When I reached their house, which faces onto a cobbled lane and overlooks an old churchyard, I saw movement in their tiny front garden and saw a busy wren bustling about - there are so few of these pretty birds around now.

  • Beautiful morning here in Suffolk - off to Woodbridge for a mooch around - a nearby town with independent shops especially Woodbridge Emporium which sells books and tea! Have a good weekend all.

  • Hello all -

    I've decided to stick with the site, I would miss those of you for whom I haven't got contact details. I reflected last night about it all. I have received so much support, love and friendliness here for so many years, most particularly when my husband died two years ago. I just don't feel like losing that friendship just because the site is so difficult for me to use! I'll keep reading the guidance from others and hope that the powers that be will ask the site designers to improve things for us. I can only reply using my PC but what the heck?! I've been told by youngest daughter that I will be getting a new tablet for my birthday, so I live in hope that I can revert to sitting in bed either early morning or later at night and reply and/or post!

    It is very foggy here this morning. I can't see Inverness Castle from here. Tomorrow is my 73rd birthday, All the family who live in this part of the world will be here for a meal. 

    My brother in Brittany is in hospital. He was walking the dog the other evening. Dog was on lead. Suddenly another dog  - not on lead, no owner in the vicinity -came out of the gloom and my brother's dog (husky) gave chase, pulling my brother over in the process. The lead was wrapped twice around brother's wrist. Brother has broken rib, fractured clavicle and scapula and had surgery yesterday for the latter two smashed up bits of his body. 

  • Oh dear, Heather, I am so sorry to hear about your brother.  What a shock for him, and how jolly painful.

    I hope everyone sticks it out on here.  We went thru all the moans and angst with the last upgrade and managed to see the wood for the trees, coming out the other side holding hands.  I am sure it will all become clearer as we become more used to it, and the powers that be (the young techies with their sharp eyes and quick uptake) take on board the concerns, complaints, angst and criticisms as appropriate!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi everyone Relaxed After a bit of perceverence, I've managed to catch up. Nice fresh winter day here in the East end of Glasgow. On lunch break just now. These tend to go at roughly the speed sound. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Annette, I can't remember which thread you posted on about wanting to access the survey and I can't find it either as I've lost the ability to find my own posts which I've found helpful in finding stuff if you get my drift. Anyhow here's a link to the survey

  • Thanks,, Korky. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Thanks Korky for the link to the survey  (I was whining away on the Technical Test Thread about having lost it!)  :-)  I just filled it out and would encourage others to do the same.  Among other things, they are asking what features from the previous version would we like to keep? 

    Link to survey

    Forestboar:  The word is that if you don't want to risk your posts being missed, use the very first Reply button at the top of the page (see Item 3 in Diane's explanation below). That way, your post will appear last on the page and will not be indented, which is what happens when you reply to individual posts:   The other main issue that people with tablets are having is that there's too much clutter on the page for them to see more than a few lines of an actual post!

    (1) At the top of the page, you will see a small heading: Top Replies. Those are simply the posts in the thread that have received the most Votes. What are Votes? After each post in the thread, you have the opportunity to click the little arrows up or down to indicate your opinion of the person's comment. The Up arrow means that you liked or agreed with the comment. The Down arrow means you disliked or disagreed with it. The posts that have received the greatest number of liked votes will be noted at the top of the page under "Top Replies".

    (2) Next you will see a line that says, Oldest   Votes   Newest. These options allow you to put the posts in the thread in the order that you want to see them. If you want to see the oldest posts first, click Oldest. If you want to see posts with the most votes first, click Votes. If you want to see the newest posts first, click Newest. 

    (3) To post your own comment: Go the top of the page to the first post -- that's the post of the person who started the thread, in this case it was Annette. Right after that original post is a REPLY button. Click that REPLY button. That will open a box where you can type your post and also insert photos. Finish your post and then click Reply. Your post will be placed all the way to the margin and appear as a fresh, new post.

    (4) To reply to someone else's comment, just click the Reply button after that person's post. Your comment will be indented and will be placed under that person's post as a reply. 

    I've also just noticed that I can't use Keyboard shortcuts for Bold/Italic, etc, which slows me down a bit, but this isn't too much of an issue as they've done away with the Use Rich Text link and put those options at the bottom of the Reply box.

    Lindybird:  Good of you - I've said it before - to spend so much time with G.  I'm sure she must appreciate it.   I've noticed more busy Bewick's Wrens in our garden of late too. :-)

    Heather: Oh good that you've decided to stick around.  But DO follow Korky's link to the survey.

    Harelady:  Not sure about your problem with the top reply button.  Diane explains it under Item 3.  It'll put your post in chronological order and at the far left margin rather than indented and possibly missed by later posters.   

    I really  hate the idea that OG might drop out; she's one of the originals.  :-(

    Hallo to Anyone Else I've missed!

    Off to sort out the world, or at least to tidy up the garden a bit.  

  • AQ: Thanks for your kind comments to me!Blush