WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018

Hey Everybody!  We're back.  :-)

  • Very sorry indeed to read Eagle Eye and OG's post:  they will be sadly missed on here, having been regular and enthusiastic contributors for an extremely long time. I get a feeling that they certainly won't be the last to go.....

  • It sounds as if you're joining EE and OG in leaving, Heather.  I do hope you will give it a try, maybe later when things improve (but I'm not holding my breath!)

  • This nonsense of putting replies all over the place is just that! I see from the index that Lindys post is the last one so I want to read it. What happens? The page opens at the top and not only do I have to scroll through to find it I have to keep clicking on 'more' to keep going down. This will be a real hit when we are following the nesting season. If any of us are left!!!!

    Previously......click on the words last post and you were instantly there!!!

  • Mike

    I have found that if you click on the notifications symbol top right corner, a list of latest posts comes up. If you click on the notification of interest it seems to take you to that post. 

    It's not brilliant, but it saves a lot of scrolling around.

    Richard B

  • Sorry to here EE, and OG won't be posting. I'll miss their brilliant input. I hope the technical people will make the necessary tweaks to improve this forum before others leave. To be honest, it probably just needs a couple of changes, such as moving the main reply button, and putting all types of replies in chronological order. Sometimes little changes can make a big difference. 

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Give it time folks use Diane's instructions and we'll all get there

  • Diane’s instruction has made this morn’s read much easier. Diane you are GEM for offering us so much help, ever & always. Today when at last I have time to do the survey, I don’t get that message. OK they probably don’t want to know what I think of upgrade. Frustrating that it doesn’t remember I want sorting to “Newest’ and keeps defaulting to “Oldest” every time I visit. Sorry to lose OG & others. I have been seriously thinking of dropping out, but ever optimistic, keep hoping someone will listen and make changes that are user-friendly. I’ll hang on a little longer.

  • Got an e-mail from OG who hasn't yet got any response from RSPB folks re why she can't sign on.  I just posted about that and the problem with seeing the posts on tablets (thanks to extraneous blurbs).  

    Also, just clicked on the View More (gray bar across page) and see I've missed posts from others.  Grrrrr!  Anwyay, hallo to Harelady and Lynette!!

    Spent an inordinate amount of time at the gym this morning, then home for lunch and garden tidy up.  It's so nice to have things more or less back to normal (TxGiving and Xmas notwithstanding).   This was a busy year.

    AQ:  I haven't seen the survey request since I first signed on, but just noticed Richard B's link on here from our first day back so will trundle off there to post concerns.

  • OK  So I just posted a list of "concerns"  (!!) about the alleged upgrade on the site Richard B mentioned (link below)   I hope it's correct.  

  • Annette - I'll try that link tomorrow to air my grievances. Too late, too busy now (5.20 pm) prepping for evening meal.