WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2018

Hallo all!

  • AQ - Thank you for your tips.  I have had a look at the BridgeClimb website and it all looks good.  I would like to do the whole climb, but I think time won't allow that.  But the 'sampler' should be possible.  Exciting!

    Thank you to everyone who has commented on Kindle.  I seem to have done the right thing by buying one!  I have already downloaded lots of free books - although a massive proportion of them seem to be detective or 'who-dun-it' books - which I don't like!  I've found some classics, though, some 'family sagas' and a few sport and religion ones, so I should have plenty of variety.

  • Good Morning.  Dry here.  Can't stop, must get going, I'm already late!  Have a good weekend, everyone.

  • It has been cold here and we had quite a heavy snowfall this morning. It didn't last long.

    AQ - I laughed about the onion chopping! I've always done it my own way but see the cheffy way is somewhat different. My knife skills are not of the best but I can chop onions finely :-)

    Danish friends are on the road to Inverness. The ferry was an hour late docking this morning due to 'adverse weather conditions'. I had heard the Shipping Forecast so wasn't surprised.

  • Sorry, FB, but you hit the wrong thread, and posted on last week's.

  • We are home again after a lovely day with the family: Matthew enjoyed his pre birthday party with all four of his grandparents and was all smiles. At previous events, he's often found all the fuss too much, and been rather overcome.

    Lots of laughing and merriment had by all three generations, over the boys antics and games, and everyone enjoyed my cakes :-)