WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2018

Hallo all!

  • Thanks, Annette, for starting us off.

    Lovely sunny spring day here 20 C. Alas, so dry that OH has the sprinkler on the garden.

  • Good Morning, and thank you to Annette for starting us off again.  Dry here, too, AQ, but no sprinklers needed ;-)

  • Another lovely day here - looking forward to my drive over the Ashdown Forest to Crowborough.

  • Thanks, ANNETTE!

    It has been raining here during the night. My son is on his way up from Shropshire and expects to arrive at about 4pm.

    Enjoy your drive, PAT.

    AQ - I heard an interesting discussion on World Service about the difficulties faced by Aussie farmers and the wide use of organophosphates there. I don't know enough to comment but once again, an insight into what seems to be a constant struggle to produce food.

    LINDY- I hadn't realised  you were dieting, sorry! Well done on the willpower front.

  • Have lovely drive, Pat.

    I hope that OG is alright. She may be suffering with her back.

    Also, hope that Lynette and her OH are able to enjoy their cruise.

    Lovely sunshine here, so we're off for a walk.

    Edit --  -- not sure about the "willpower" bit, Heather, I keep cheating!

  • Thank you for your thoughts. I can’t cope with using my little computer on my bed, so I am dictating to OH, who has signed in as me. Those who guessed were correct that my back got worse and the pain spread through my legs. GP visited Thursday and gave me extra stronger painkillers. He came again Friday and said he would like to send me to hospital on Monday. On Saturday, OH and I decided I had to get there straight away. I was sedated in the ambulance and taken to A & E in Dumfries. Everyone was very kind and the doctor there agreed about the source of the pain i.e. not connected to my leg troubles. She gave me an even stronger painkiller (still to be taken alongside the others) and a quick acting dose whilst there produced a good result. They brought in a physio to assess me. She is going to refer me to District Physios to get me re-mobilised. She recommended I should come home by ambulance.

    Meanwhile on Friday OH had to take J for his procedure at the hospital, so Dau#1  came to spend the day with me and because I was totally resting we were able to catch up with all family news. J had to have a small biopsy – result awaited. On Saturday he heard that his brain scan will take place at The Christie in Manchester in two weeks’ time. We are quite relieved that the specialist hospital will do this.

    OH is also having trouble using this computer, so I apologise that I can’t comment right now on all your posts, but it has been good to hear from everybody.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - like others, I have been very concerned about you and am so very grateful to you and Eagle Eye for getting in touch. Thank you both.

    I'm sending love and as DIANE would say - healing thoughts xxx

  • OG - do hope the medical treatment shows positive results.  Apart from wishing you better, we miss you here!

    Lovely drive, thank you - apart from driving into low sun for most of the way, and the odd sheep and cow wandering across the road!  Easier drive home, as the sun was behind me, although animals still wandering around.

    Heather - It was raining in Edinburgh this morning as well.  Just had a message from a friend who was about to go to St Giles' Cathedral and she is having to take a taxi rather than walk.  

  • Just come on and seen EE and OGs post -- so sorry to hear what a difficult, painful time you've had, OG and of course EE has had a busy and worrying couple of days, too. I see that our wonderful NHS have been looking after you well.  I do hope you're more comfortable now.

    Good that J is going to be seen at The Christie, where they are so excellent.

    You are all in my thoughts  xx

  • OG: Dang!  Sorry to read your news; what a dismal few days you guys have had. I hope the District Physio types get in touch quickly.  :-(  Hugs to you!  And yes, we miss you on here.

    PatO: Was just looking at the Ashdown Forest website and noticed their alert that there have been 242 deer collisions in the last year!  I'm assuming that's with cars mostly and can understand taking your eyes off the road to admire the views.  I didn't realize Winnie the Pooh lived there. :-))

    Off to have a talk with some overgrown shrubs!  Take care all